Here’s Your Invite To The Most Dangerous Product
We’ve Ever Created – Straight From Dan Kennedy
Mind Hijacking: Advanced, Psychology-Based Persuasion, Manipulation and Influence Control Techniques, For One-To-One Sales, Negotiation and Presenting
Ideal for large-dollar transaction professionals and virtually any passionate entrepreneur who has the ‘stomach’ for it. Be the first to take advantage of this brand new opportunity, AND save $600!
Dear Friend,
If you’re receiving this invitation, it’s a safe bet we already know each other – probably well.
That means you’re hopefully already well aware of my prowess at persuading people to part with large sums of money, pay large fees, ‘pledge allegiance’ and behave like top-value customers and clients.
You may have already heard a lot
about this from me already and you’re probably pretty damn good at it yourself too!
I have already revealed a lot of my methods in different places, venues, products and at various times, but hard as it may be to believe, I’ve held a lot back as well! The sort of stuff that’s too hot to handle for most people. Very specific hijacks and techniques I rely on to virtually erase people’s free will, (without them knowing!) and substitute my control in its place.
If that immediately disturbs you then this offer is not going to be for you, and it would be best if you just stopped reading right now.
However, if this doesn’t disturb or frighten you,
then please carry on reading…
I have quietly accumulated and used these Mind-Hijacking techniques personally, privately, in virtually every situation I’ve been in for many years, and have banked a whole lot of money. Often when people are surprised at themselves over parting with it!
Let’s dig in.
Lots of ‘masters’ use some or all of these Mind Hijacking methods. Let me give you just three examples:
So let’s get into a little depth here, about Mind Hijacking in general and about Mind Hijacking for the express purpose of separating ‘Big Game’ from their money…
These techniques aren’t ‘Soft-Serve’ sales and persuasion tactics.
Corporate executives would burst into flames if any of us dared teach this to their white-button-down-shirt sales people.
I’ve always had to be careful about this. More so, as I got more and more aware, conscious, deliberate, skilled and ruthless in using it. But there’s a lot of risk in talking about it.
Here’s Why…
Mind Hijacking is very different to selling, persuasion or influence.
It is as different as a very sharp pointed stick is to a cotton Q-Tip. As different as a rattlesnake is to a teddy bear.
It threatens the orthodoxy of many philosophical belief systems as well as the orthodoxy of sales and influence training, which is a multi-billion-dollar industry.
‘Influence’ is important to understand and making yourself the accepted person of influence is a profoundly valuable business and wealth strategy. Also, deeply understanding the principles and architecture and tactical mechanics of selling is very beneficial.
But Mind Hijacking takes things one step forwards…
But Mind Hijacking takes things one step forwards…
Ready to get started? Grab your Copy of the Mind Hijacking Program NOW!
Hijacking is influence and persuasion on steroids and red bull, but also more. It is ‘more’ in its rich depth, its psychological basis. It is ‘more’ in its sheer power. Influence can create attraction, persuasion can create transactional outcomes.
Mind Hijacking can create CONTROL
BUT, if you are at all squeamish about taking control of other’s minds, decisions, and wills, this training will NOT be for you. This training will be emotionally disturbing, even alarming.
Most ‘training’ on influence and persuasion, is watered down and filtered – made gentle and safe from harsh critique. As such, it has insufficient power for ‘big-game-hunting’ and high-transaction selling.
It stops short of taking control.
I have no intention of making Mind Hijacking ‘safe’ or ‘comfortable’.
I was in an audience a while back for a comedian’s show, a famously coarse comedian. Inexplicably a couple in front had brought a child with them. He noticed. He pointed at them and said ‘I’m not changing my act because you two morons bought her with you’. Hopefully, you get my point. There’s no soft lighting here. Enter at your own risk, and if you run screaming from the room – no refunds!
You may even think differently about mE
after this is over – I’m prepared for that
But I can promise you that you’ll be stretched further away from marketing or selling by facts, figures, features, and logic then you ever have before!
Mind Hijacking is all about seizing, taking over, forcing people into a different direction.
I’ll be sharing some incredible information, including…
- How Steve Jobs built a simple Mind Hijack into the Apple computer. And stole the PC Market from IBM. This trick factors into almost every piece of sales copy I’ve ever written
- The 4-part formula used by sales agents of the FBI’s security division behavioral program to recruit spies ‘turn’ terrorists and get people to violate confidences, reveal information and do as they are told.
- How to hijack any closed society without ever needing to start at the bottom of the ladder and without having your authority questioned
- Unseat an accomplished, successful, person and make them feel unsure of themselves and in need of your support.
And lots more!
Mind-HiJacking®: Advanced Persuasion & Influence/Customer-Client Control:
9 DVDs, 15 audio CDs, USB Flash Drive with all digital media , System Binder, Enhanced Transcripts & Toolkit Binder
Mind-HiJacking®: Copywriting:
Copy Techniques that Render Buyers Defenseless
6 DVDs, 8 audio CDs, USB Flash Drive with all digital media , System Binder, Enhanced Transcripts & Toolkit Binder
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This course provided a solid foundation for further learning.
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