Khe Hy – Supercharge Your Productivity Premium Track (Using Notion)
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Khe Hy – Supercharge Your Productivity Premium Track (Using Notion)
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“I cannot recall a time I’ve had this much confidence in myself. It feels great.”
That’s Max Moss, an IT Solutions program manager and one of our former students.
Despite a challenging year for most people, Max had an Epic 2020.
You see, for nearly a decade, Max had toyed with various trendy diets. Yet he couldn’t knuckle down on one elusive goal: losing weight.
But in 2020 he did it. Max hit his “goal weight,” the same weight from his teenage years. That’s Max, 13 years ago in 2007.
But there’s more.
“A new job during a pandemic?!?”
In the midst of a global pandemic, Max got recruited for a job – when he wasn’t even looking.
(“The first time that I wasn’t the one seeking.”)
In this new role, his boss has singled him out as “awesome” and “invaluable.” Max has designed an anti-fragile career.
Max sent me a message over the holidays, here’s what it read:
Stop ending up in the same spot. Year after year.
We all want a piece of Max’s Mojo.
You want the confidence to pivot into a new career — one with rad colleagues who are deeply invested in your growth.
You want the courage to launch your breakthrough product — even though some of the kinks need to be ironed out.
And you want to be your family’s steadying hand — their Chief Happiness Officer — during these uncertain times.
Shift out of “React Mode”
Yet the daily whirlwind of activities sweeps you away.
You get sucked into Inbox Zero (and its never-ending dopamine hits).
You become a prisoner to your calendar — jumping from meeting to meeting with no time to think.
You end the day exhausted because your vague goals result in mindless context-switching.
All this daily firefighting has a steep price:
Oh Hello, Shiny New Toy Syndrome
Here’s where you run out to buy a Shiny New Toy.
A new iPad Pro to do more Deep Work and boost your creative output.
A fancy Moleskine planner to finally map out your big hairy audacious goals.
Or an Oura Ring to prioritize getting 8 hours of sleep.
Here’s how to take ownership of 2021
What was it about Max’s Mojo that enabled him to attain the trifecta of a fit body, new job, and top performance ranking?
What was it that enabled Max to conquer the known nemesis, Shiny New Toy Syndrome? In Max’s words:
Max had tapped into the anti-dote of SNTS.
A system that keeps you accountable for your values and nudges you to get a little bit better — every single day.
My Journey from the “Board Room” to the “Beach”
Hi, I’m Khe Hy the creator of Supercharge Your Productivity.
As a young analyst on Wall Street (ahem, two decades ago), I became obsessed with a simple question:
I wanted the financial security to not worry about the zigs and zags of the stock market.
I wanted the discipline and focus to chip away at the “important, but not urgent” parts of life.
I wanted the patience to invest in myself — and play the long game.
Level up your life with Supercharge Your Productivity
Supercharge Your Productivity is the course that I always wished I could take. So I went out and built it.
I internalized ideas that seemed intuitive (GTD, Essentialism), discarded the superfluous ones (Zettlekasten) and developed my own frameworks ($10,000/hour work).
My unwavering commitment to our students
Teaching is in our family’s DNA. My grandmother, mom and sister have all taught their entire lives. Teaching – whether it’s via a webinar, 1:1 coaching or mentoring a recent grad – is what gets me out of bed every morning.
I’ve taught this system to over 300 students, organizations and executives and have written 200+ related articles.
My work has been featured in countless publications like the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Time, Barrons, Bloomberg, and TedX.
An integrated dashboard to transform your life
Systems act as the catalyst for transformational change.
But systems alone are not enough.
A system without implementation and execution is nothing more than a collection of ideas.
Over the four weeks, you’ll design and build an integrated system to manage your tasks, goals, and everything you consume digitally using the powerful no-code platform Notion.
Here’s what’s included
A fluff-free and relentlessly pragmatic curriculum including 8 one-hour training sessions with Khe, weekly office hours, 30+ modules to learn the ins-and-outs of Notion and a private community of like-minded high-performing (and kind) professionals.
(Oh yeah, and 20+ pre-made templates so that you hit the ground running.)
Week 1: What’s your why?
The course kicks off with a unified framework to tie your daily activities to your life vision.
You’ll build your habit tracker, “jar of awesome” and set your intentions for the year.
Templates include: meeting notes, web clippings, and tickler files for managing up with your boss.
Week 2: Your $10,000 per hour work blueprint
Stop chasing the dopamine and start doing the impactful work that scales. Work on your business – not in your business.
You’ll build a GTD-inspired task manager so that the right tasks find you.
Templates include: a CRM, applicant-tracking system and editorial calendar.
Week 3: Goal-setting (that actually works)
A detailed methodology to define and architect goals that can be measured over time. You’ll target the pesky category of tasks that are “Important, not Urgent” covering your health, finances, and most important relationships.
You’ll be introduced to Notion’s database functions that will act as the glue to your Life Dashboard.
Templates include: Advanced file manager, coaching/consulting dashboard, and product road map.
Week 4: The “Cheat Codes” (aka Weekly Reviews)
Ah, the weekly review: loved by many, executed by few. Yet for your new system to work, this habit change must stick.
You’ll set your future self up for a win with a series of checklists, task views, and incisive reflection prompts – in less than 25 minutes.
Templates include: A finance tracker, investment research dashboard, Smart reading list.
A global community of kind, curious and instrospective trailblazers
They say you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Imagine 4 profound weeks with a global crew of RAD professionals.
Our students are founders, artists, educators, doctors, lawyers, activists, investors, civil servants, engineers, small business owners and philanthropists. (Our youngest student is 20; our oldest is 68.)
They will challenge your assumptions, expose you to unique cultural perspectives, and cheer you on in our private Slack community.
You’ll build lifelong connections and friendships.
Sale Page:https://10k.radreads.co/syp6
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/oFYUH
Samantha Wright (verified owner) –
Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.
James Rodriguez (verified owner) –
The interactive elements kept me engaged throughout. Loved it!
Scott Edwards (verified owner) –
I feel more prepared for my career after taking this course.
Julia Alexander (verified owner) –
I appreciated the real-world applications included in the lessons.
Melissa Rivera (verified owner) –
The instructor’s knowledge and passion for the subject were evident.
Brandon Foster (verified owner) –
I learned a lot from this course. Highly recommend!