Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire 2.0
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Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire 2.0
Price: $2997
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Attention: Small Business Owners, Sales People and Anyone Who Wants More Customers, Clients or Patients…
And like. Thrive on. It is mindset and skill-set. It is an overrall “approach” to adopt, adapt and apply. This has never been more necessary.
A dozen years ago. U.S. Presidents have gone and come. Long viable products, businesses and iconic brands believed permanent have left the market, relegated to history’s dumpster, and entire new businesses as well as new products, services, money streams, and media have risen. Online, Myspace died, Yahoo is dying. 9+ years within those 12 of near zero interest have fundamentally changed the American economy. A new war with terrorism has changed the world. What next? – a giant meteor crashing into earth?
It is against this backdrop that I step up now, to tackle the biggest of the big questions: WHAT REALLY WORKS. What to focus on in every aspect of success – and what to ignore and leave to others. There is good reason to re-visit my Renegade Millionaire work. Up-date. Expand on. Dig deeper.
Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is one of my most popular trainings ever. And this will be the last time I ever address it. This will be the tour de force. The magnum opus. Its ambition is to synthesize and synchronize ALL my work having to with Renegade-ism, spanning all the years, the hundreds of hours of prior presentations – some recorded, some not, the intimate work applying these strategies with clients to diverse businesses that then wildly out-perform their industry’s norms, the thousands of pages of information….. all into one epic, intense ‘adventure’ attacking convention and compromise, confinement and limitations, concession of any kind. It should be instantly obvious that Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is NOT a ‘mass entertainment.’ It takes a certain militancy about one’s ambitions, individuality and autonomy to be a Renegade Entrepreneur. We are gathering to make ourselves gods and kings of our own kingdoms! Such a thing is a radical idea, uncomfortable to many, resisted mightily by many. There is a massive accelerated move afoot against exceptionalism, in favor of egalitarianism. It pressures from every direction.
These can be alertly and militantly fought off, prevented. They can provide competitive advantage, if you find them in your competitors and exploit them. They can even be ripped out, and reversed. Each is the ultimate double-edged sword; double-sided coin; danger and opportunity. These 17 malignancies affect you, the individual, and the team or organization alike.
The deep dive into these 17 is certain to also reveal opportunities you haven’t seen. I am constantly opening even very smart and successful clients’ eyes to ‘opportunities they never knew existed, waiting to be triggered, inside their existing businesses or launched from them. At a recent Titanium meeting*, I put a very smart entrepreneur INTO STUNNED SILENCE with facts about an income opportunity inherent (but latent) in his business, worth at least 3X to 5X what the net of the entire business is, as-is. At the next meeting, I am going to propose a collaborative effort by the entire group to capitalize on this. I have a client I took a single, relatively simple strategy to, moved from one field of business to their different one, “plus-ing” what they were already doing successfully, and it has paid them over $100-million, so far. (I’ll tell you the details of this one at RM2.0. It has the potential to convert many different kinds of businesses from vulnerable or fragile to invulnerable.)
What Will You Let Happen To Whatever You Have Left?
You may have seen me do a version of the life span/ years left illustration before. If you’re male, the average is 72. If you’re in good health and optimistic, make it 79. Deduct your current age. Nothing is guaranteed, but that’s a reasonable number to think about. For me, that number is a paltry, alarming 17 years left. Whatever your Number is, it is the reason to invest. To do what you just won’t do at home by yourself, for yourself: Stop. Think. Assess. Determine if things are moving along as you really want them to, and if not, what to do about it, now -so you don’t wake up one morning like my client and say, “How the hell did this happen?”
Of course, nobody thinks their house will catch fire or be burgled or their kid will get hooked on drugs or join ISIS via Facebook; these things happen only to other families. Nobody thinks their business could go from prosperity to crisis at sudden, lightning speed. It happens only to other (“mis-managed”) companies. Well, I personally, intimately sat in the back seat along for the ride, watching my father’s ultra-successful business and our family’s prosperity be destroyed and collapse at seemingly sudden, dramatic speed. Like having a hole shockingly open beneath our feet. Unfortunately, that business had none of the four sustainability factors baked into it. One day I had Rich Dad; a few months later I had Poor Dad.
I promise you, if you do not” own” at least one of these four super-sustainability factors, you are at moment by moment peril. And even though there will be predictive signs of your coming doom, you won’t see them. There are always advance warnings, by the way. The 2nd Pearl Harbor; the 9-11 attacks on our homeland were preceded by a series of warnings stacking through the Clinton years, not dots connected, not taken seriously by “smartest people in the room.” The 2008 financial crash was much forewarned, as is a brewing duplicate of it.
If you stand with most in your field … if you do things the way most in your field do them – trying only to be incrementally better … if you are slow to radically, dynamically, creatively change, move, reinvent – it’s the fiery pit for you.
This, I think, makes a re-examination of what true Renegade-ism is, how it works, how to create and trigger it, and how to keep re-triggeringit – The most important thing I can do with you this year. This can’t just be about “mechanics” – things to do and the 1-2-3, A-B-C instructions for doing them. This has to be about your PERSONAL READINESS to act, creatively, boldly, aggressively to protect what you’ve built so far and to leap up, over the crowd, and forward. To STAND ABOVE AND APART.
“If you are going to bother to think, you might as well think big,” so says Donald Trump. When Gene Simmons spoke at the GKIC SuperConference, he objected to the term “small business” – wondering aloud why anybody would agree to wear the “small” label. Actually, there are a lot of often convergent influences, individuals, entities and forces that work hard at keeping you thinking, creating, and earning small. It is all part of the New War Against Exceptionalism, to which you must be a conscientious objector.
It is not just a war over money. Being “big” doesn’t just mean wealthy. It means powerful. Able to control your affairs. Rejecting efforts to control you – your thoughts and your emotions; your business decisions; your business methods and practices; your time; your money; your life. This is not an easy thing. You have to stiffen your spine daily. You have to recognize ‘intimidation’ in all its guises and fend it off when it first appears.
But, in the same way that local police departments have had to amp up their weaponry, militarizing a lot, in the face of new, greater, more dangerous forces; in the same way that America and its allies needed to “beef up” and still need to beef up a lot more in the new age of expanded terrorism; in the same way … we now need to make ourselves Stronger, Surer, Tougher, Faster, More Quickly Resilient, More Prescient And Proactive – and more Renegade than ever!
Gunfight With A Militarized SWAT Team
(Don’t Be Caught Personally UN-READY or INCAPABLE)
The weapons and weapons-strength that were sufficient for the entrepreneur determined to be Big five, seven, ten, fifteen years back are now under-powered. The strategies and tactics of Renegade Millionaireship and Multi-Millionaireship that served well are no longer strong enough to overcome the opposition. More FORCE is needed. More CLEVERNESS is needed. More SPEED is needed.
Despite what I just said, you will wonder, if you’re a long-time Planet Dan’er, if there is anything new in this.
So, there is NEW. There has to be ‘new.’ How could there not be new? –
To be blunt, I think there’s more B.S. about promulgated than ever. It frankly makes me a little crazy. The internet has produced a veritable tidal wave of bullshit. I’ve been railing against “popular B.S.” from various sources for a long time. The original No B.S. Business Success book was published in 1993. No B.S. Ruthless Management’s first edition much later, in 2009. Throughout, in the books, the newsletters, seminars and speeches, the original Renegade Millionaire System, I have consistently exposed B.S. heaped on people by academics, by peers and peer group authorities, purported “laws” (that aren’t, but are widely accepted), religion, metaphysics, psycho-babble, media, friends, family, and society at large. I certainly have not stemmed this tide, but I know I’ve made a big difference in a great many individuals’ capability of recognizing it for what it is, and in their capability for staving it off personally. You may be one of those individuals. If so, you know what to expect from that aspect of Renegade Millionaire 2.0 (although I’ll still make you gasp). If not, here’s your chance, maybe the last chance to experience it.
SHAME ON YOU FOR EVEN ASKING! You know the most correct answer: nothing, nada, zero – because if it does cost you, it means you dozed while with me and then went home and did nothing; nothing different; nothing new as a result of being with me. If you fear flint, by all means, skip. Sit this one out. Stop reading now.
A very in-depth look at my RADICAL, tough-minded, personal approach to achieving ABSOLUTE control over your time, associates, clients and the world around you … in order to achieve MAXIMUM personal productivity.
Here’s What I’ll Get Digitally Sent To Me:
- 8 Trainings from Renegade Millionaire 2.0 complete with audio files and transcripts.
- The Renegade Millionaire 2.0 Toolkit filled with 70+ pages of principles, secrets and concepts that I can immediately leverage into my own business along with Dan Kennedy’s Found Money Map to help boost sales.
- I’ll receive a Bonus Session with Dan Kennedy and John Carlton, the wizardly copywriter Renegade Entrepreneur where they are un-scripted, and un-tethered.
- Yes, I’m ready! Please send me “Renegade Millionaire 2.0” so I can immediately increase my profits and experience a different Dan Kennedy than anywhere else.
Heather Murphy (verified owner) –
I learned a lot from this course. Highly recommend!
Emily Johnson (verified owner) –
I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.
Ryan (verified owner) –
I was impressed by the quality of the content. Well done!
Brittany Price (verified owner) –
The instructor was very engaging and knowledgeable.
Samantha Wright (verified owner) –
I feel more prepared for my career after taking this course.