
Dan Kennedy – Effortless Selling Strategies

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Dan Kennedy – Effortless Selling Strategies

Price: $297
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 How To Close Your Ideal Client Without
Using “Brute Force” Old-School Selling Tactics!

Effortless Selling Strategies presents a system that will show you how to get your target audience to say “Yes” quickly and with more vigor than ever before.

This 2 CD, 2 DVD, and 107-page transcript will show you how to ethically taking the free will of your customer, client, and patient and hijacking their behavioral system so they will decisively buy from you.

Don’t worry, all this is ethical and moral. And if you have a product or service that brings value to people, it’s your moral and ethical obligation to sell the HELL out of it via any means possible.

Effortless Selling Strategies will help you do that.  You’ll get an unparalleled insight into what’s going on in your prospect’s mind when they come into contact with you—either in the boardroom, online, on stage, or face-to-face in your office.

The truth is this: if you’ve properly selected prospects, your offering is well matched, your marketing lead up was right, your presentation was right, you’re in the right place with the right person at the right time…

…you shouldn’t have to close, they should buy!

When all this is in alignment you don’t need to know “52 different ways to close” and you don’t need to hard close like most of those “other” trainers teach you.

You see, I believe in doing things the easy way.  The majority is always wrong when it comes to everything in life…from finances, business, and personal matters.

And they’re especially wrong when it comes to selling!

I submit to you that if you follow everything you’ll discover when that big box containing Effortless Selling Strategies arrives at your doorstep, a whole new world will be opened up to you…because NOBODY else is doing this.

You’ll get more people to say YES to you more often…and with more alacrity.  And your income could explode…meaning more bottom line profits you can use to build your business, go on more vacations, and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.

Just ONE Technique You’ll Discover In Effortless Selling Strategies Could Unlock The Hidden Profits In Your Business!

Here’s just SOME of what you’ll discover in this probative course:

  • The #1 secret most businesspeople will NEVER know about closing that’ll bring more bucks into your pocket—this might seem a little “renegade” but if you want to siphon more of the green stuff into your pocket, you HAVE to do it!
  • The untold secret I use in my $18,800 per day consultations to get people to fork over $50,000 to $100,000 for a single sales letter without question (how much are YOU charging for your product/service?)
  • The #1 mental block that keeps most salespeople from selling more—and could forever DOOM you from achieving more wealth and prosperity in your life (this probably affects at least 98% of prospects out there).
  • If you think most people don’t buy from you because they ran off to another competitor, think again.  Revealed for the first time: the #1 reason why your last prospect probably didn’t buy from you.  (knowing this could be a HUGE gamechanger for you!)
  • The #1 barrier most people have when it comes to making a decision to buy.  This is something you probably suffer from all the time, and realizing this could allow you to “tweak” your sales process so you can exploit this secret!
  • Zig Ziglar’s mindset that allowed him to ethically extract as much money from the wallets of his prospects as possible (this is something that’s a little “squeamish” for some, but this is something you’ll want to tattoo on your forehead!)
  • The 4 possible outcomes of every selling situation, and how you can bend the rules in your favor so you can get people to say “Yes” more often.  Knowing this alone already puts you light years ahead of your competitors!
  • The 1 simple step that 3 ½ timesed the conversion of a client’s webinar you can easily cut and paste into your own sales process.  This is something we do at GKIC all the time, and it could allow you to really boost your ROI!
  • Why most people are DEAD WRONG about what they’re REALLY selling…and how you can “bear down” and figure out why people REALLY buy from you (this is something you’ll want to use in your marketing.
  • My 2 secrets to getting to yes faster than ever before. This tip could pay for the package over and over again—and put more money in your pocket!
  • 8 ways to sabotage a face-to-face client meeting.  There are a whole host of “cues” that go into the perfect sale—think of it as choreographing a dance…one misstep could screw up the whole thing!
  • The untold effect of “decision fatigue” and how you can harness it to your advantage when selling to a prospect.  This is something most “sales professionals” don’t get!
  • How to sell a new concept to a prospect that’s critical for them to “believe” before you can see them.   This is like lowering the rim by 4 feet and doing a slam-dunk—piece of cake!
  • What the Oreck vacuum company and Simmons Mattresses does to perfection that you can do in any selling environment. (I try to implement this with every single client I work with!)
  • A simple 4-step “litmus test” to determine if you’re a selling pro or amateur.  Chances are, you’ll fall into the latter category, but you’ll be able to quickly correct it!
  • How to use group selling to your advantage, and the 3 ways you can summon a stampede of hungry to the back of the room—or to feverishly click the “order” button on a webinar or teleseminar.
  • The #1 big DARN secret the advertisers for Charles Atlas “got” that you can implement in your business (once you get this, everything else is gravy!)
  • …And a whole LOT more!

Now let me tell you something:


We can all learn how to sell better.   I am always perfecting the way I sell…and will continue to do so probably until they put the nails in my coffin.

So if you’re on the fence about this, consider this:

Think about how many people can to your website, your office, or your storefront in the past month.  And think about the number of people you closed of those people you came into contact with.

It could be 30%.  40%.  70%.  Go ahead…think of that number.

Now imagining perhaps increasing that percentage by 50% and what that could do for your income, your ability to absolve worries in your business, and the ability to establish control.

It’s all about learning to SELL better.  And I guarantee you’re not going to find a better blueprint for selling than Effortless Selling Strategies.

This is perfect if:

  • You go door to door or do “face-to-face” selling.  I advise a lot of financial planners who each have seven figure incomes and convince people who are 60+ to hand over their life savings to manage.  That requires a certain blueprint — or “script” for that to happen.
  • You sell online via webinars, teleseminars, or sales letters.   Here’s a big secret: most of todays’ heavy hitters online secretly consult with me when it comes to extracting more money online.  And I’ve implemented many “triggers” that hijacks their prospect’s decision-making abilities and coaxes them to the order button.  And I’ll share some of them in Effortless Selling Strategies.
  • You speak in front of groups.  Nobody…absolutely nobody has spoken and sold in front of as many groups as me—and some of today’s current platform speakers rely on me for advice and marketing guidance. Speaking on stage isn’t just about stepping up in front of everyone and just “winging it”…there’s a certain architecture that has to be in place to convince people to shell out their hard-earned money.

Almost 99% of businesses fit in one of these categories.  What that means to you that I guarantee you’ll discover 1-2 tips, tactics, or techniques you can inject into your current sales process.

And if you’re a selling neophyte, this will allow you to get a HUGE head start in your selling career.  Selling can be effortless if you know the specific steps…and you don’t have to involve all the “brute-force” tactics you’ve probably see in movies or even experienced yourself.

5 reviews for Dan Kennedy – Effortless Selling Strategies

  1. Lindsay Morgan (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and useful.

  2. Erin Barnes (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  3. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

  4. Dominic (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  5. Edward (verified owner)

    The lessons were clear and easy to understand.

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