
Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate No BS Referral Machine

(5 customer reviews)

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Referrals Magnet Drawing Attracting New Customers Prospects

Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate No BS Referral Machine

Price: $397

Announcing A Referral System That’ll Generate An Endless Flow Of Customers, Clients Or Patients Who Are Predisposed To Do Business With You…Even If You’re Afraid To Ask For Referrals Or Your Customers Don’t Know How”

Keep Reading To Discover How You Can Get Your Customers, Clients Or Friends To Cheerfully Refer So You Can Fill Your Pipeline With Eager Prospects Ready To Do Business With You…

The Secret To Having A Worry-Free Business Without Stress And Strife Is By Generating More Referrals

So Now Let’s Take An Inventory Of Your

Business Right This Moment As You’re Reading Every Single Word Of This Letter:

1.) Do you have plenty of people calling you, coming into your store, or making an appointment with you, and telling your friends and family to do the same?

2.) Or, are you constantly worried where you’re going to get your next customer, client or patient, and any referral you DO get is mostly by chance?

Based on our experience helping thousands of entrepreneurs attract greater prosperity in their business the answer is, unfortunately, #2. These entrepreneurs constantly have to deal with “looky loos,” and skeptical prospects, and “hope and pray” they’ll do business with them.

Further, the pressure of being solely responsible for generating all the business via traditional advertising methods are solely up to them. They have absolutely no piece of mind knowing they are emotionally attached to the results of their marketing efforts.

That’s because if these cold prospects don’t do business with them, they’ll be out of business in a New York minute because they don’t have a referral system in place.

This leads to bad negotiating positions when you start undercharging yourself just to “get that customer or client.” There’s no certainty in a business that’s devoid in referrals, pure and simple.

But if you have a constant stream of referrals flooding your business that are predisposed to do business with you, you have a certain “swagger.” You’re not forced to do business with every customer, client or patient out of necessity, just to make payroll every month.

You have a thriving, vibrant business that’s fun to possess because all the prospects already “know” you through family, friends, customers, or business partners.

So if you depend mostly on cold calling and cold prospecting to run a healthy business, then think again:

The Best Customer, Client Or Patient To Deal With Is One Who’s Preconditioned To Do Business With You

You see, standard prospecting techniques no longer work like they once did. The average prospect is more skeptical, less trusting, and wants to have a “know you and like you” relationship with whom they do business.

Plus competition is fierce and many markets are already saturated—making reaching cold prospects extremely expensive and time-consuming.

The answer is learning how to generate a constant stream of referrals, where you have customers, clients, patients, and colleagues gladly and continually referring new business to you.

But if you’re honest with yourself, you probably don’t have a system in place for generating referrals. You’ll have to admit that most of the business you’re currently getting is mostly by “chance.”

And when you DO get a new customer, client or patient, they come in “cold.” They don’t know you or trust you. You’re subjected to tons of sales resistance that range from price objections to, “I need to think about it.”

This puts more stress and strife on you and your business. You end up dealing with less than ideal customers, clients or patients that could suck the life out of you, and make you question why you got into business in the first place.

Not good.

That’s why you need a system that siphons a constant stream of referrals that already know, like, and trust you. They’re already predisposed to do business with you. That means less sales resistance, less headaches and more money for you since you can charge a premium for your services cold prospect would balk at.

Your business headaches are about to go away, and you’re about to attract many more of your ideal customers, clients or patients when you take action today and add this invaluable “customer-getting” system to your marketing arsenal:

The Ultimate No B.S. Referral Machine

Why The Ultimate No B.S. Referral Machine Is Different Than Any Other Referral Program Out There…

The Ultimate No B.S. Referral Machine will provide you with many systems you can “cut and paste” into your business. We know your business is different, and there is no “right” order to do these strategies.

But once you watch the DVDs, listen to the CDs and go through the transcripts, you’ll have an integrated referral process you can easily deploy in your business.

In other words, we’re not just going to give you one system and call it a day.

The Ultimate No B.S. Referral Machine will also show you how to train your customers to refer more customers, clients and patients to you. This is where most referral programs fall short—they don’t go into how to motivate customers to refer more of your ideal clientele to do business with you.

Here’s just some more you’ll discover in the Ultimate No B.S. Referral Machine when you take action today:

  • The “secret weapon” you can deploy to rein in your customers and get them to refer more customers, clients and patients to you (we guarantee your competitors aren’t using this!).
  •  How to generate referrals from customers effortlessly without having to motivate them or even ASKING them to refer people to you. This takes a lot of pressure off you and your customer.
  •  The 3 elements of your referral toolkit and how to train your clients who use it (get this wrong and you could be “swimming upstream” when it comes to getting referrals).
  •  Several unlikely sources you can get referrals you’ve probably never thought about.
  •  Why most referral systems are dead wrong (it’s time for you to use a more elegant and sophisticated approach your competition probably doesn’t know about).
  •  The secret to using referral rewards in an industry that doesn’t allow rewards (this is the “secret sauce” if you’re in an industry like this).
  •  The principle of “omnipresence” and why you should be deploying it in your business in order to garner more referrals.
  •  The secret to diving your customers into categories depending on how many people they refer you (you’ll be the only person in your market to do this).
  •  How to bowl over your NEW customers so they will not only stay with you, but also refer more people to you (this will remind them to tell their family and friends about you…).
  •  …and a whole LOT more!

You’ll Also Get 79 Pages Of Examples From No B.S. Members You Can “Swipe And Deploy” For Your Own Ultimate Referral Machine

This is probably the BEST part of the Ultimate Referral Machine: you’ll get multiple samples and examples of postcards, websites, special reports, newsletters, hand-out cards, flyers etc. you can use to “model” for your own referral machine.

This, by itself, is worth the price of this package because it will shortcut MONTHS of trying to create these pieces from scratch with no starting point.

You’ll see examples from:

  • A pastor who sends out a special package to his customers to generate more referrals.
  • The orthodontist who uses a secret “trick” to boost his retention and get his customers to talk about him.
  •  A local dentist who uses a tactic most of his competition doesn’t know about that creates “omnipresence” in his customer’s mind.
  •  …and a whole LOT more!

Everything will be revealed in the Ultimate Referral Machine…where you’ll be able to summon more of your ideal customers, clients or patients to your business like moths to a flame.

So If You’ve Ever Been Afraid To Ask For Referrals, Think It’s Hard, Or Don’t Know How To Do It…

5 reviews for Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate No BS Referral Machine

  1. Alexander King (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  2. Natalie Morris (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach to learning.

  3. Brandon Green (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise instructions.

  4. Olivia Hall (verified owner)

    I learned more from this course than I expected. Fantastic!

  5. Jackson (verified owner)

    The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.

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