
AWAI Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls

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AWAI Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls

Price:  $497
Sale Page: www.awaionline.com/copywriting/financial/p/
Archive:   archive.is/VbKXU

The demand for independent financial advice has always been strong, with independent investment gurus offering stock advice since the 1950s …

But it absolutely boomed with the emergence of online brokerage houses in the mid-1990s — when people who had never traded a stock in their lives were now buying and selling stocks with the click of a mouse.

As the stock markets soared from early 2000 to 2008 — a research report from Celent Communications in 2009 estimated that there were 30 to 40 million independent online brokerage accounts in the United States.

Then came the stock market crash and recession of 2008-2009. Stock markets fell in half … credit markets froze … housing prices plummeted.

You’d think the financial publishing industry would have been sent reeling.

Not the case.

In fact, it might have even helped it …

In response to this unchecked demand, financial publishers have a greater need than ever for skilled financial copywriters … and they are willing to pay handsomely … many expect to pay $15,000 for a direct mail package and they write the check happily.

If you want to break into the writing niche that has made millionaires out of more copywriters than any other, then take a closer look at the Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls.

Inside this expert-level program, you’ll learn:

  • Everything you need to know about your prospect — including their needs, wants, and desires as they relate to today’s market …
  • Where and how to find ideas relevant to what’s happening in the marketplace today — and how to connect those ideas to your prospect so they resonate in a profound way …
  • You’ll learn how to build your sales letter around seven proven lead types, including: the “story” lead … problem/solution … testimonial driven … the “metaphor” approach … prediction … unique opportunity … track record — all with current and relevant examples to study …
  • You’ll hear tips and secrets in interviews with marketers and copywriters alike — including Clayton Makepeace, Parris Lampropoulos, Oxford Club’s Julia Guth, Newsmax’s Aaron DeHoog, Stansberry copywriting superstar Stephen Moulis, yours truly, and others …
  • You’ll learn some of the more unusual and unlikely places copywriters get the newest, freshest, and best copy ideas …
  • You’ll learn research techniques that will allow you to load your financial sales promotions with torrents of undeniable proof — and make your letters stand “head and shoulders” above most writers who skimp on this all-important aspect of copywriting …
  • You’ll learn who the major players in the industry are — prospective clients you can build life-long relationships with …
  • You’ll get a “crash course” in stocks and the financial markets. But remember — you don’t need to be an expert to be successful. In fact, many believe that the less you know going in — the more success you’ll have …
  • You’ll learn all the terminology you’ll need to know to start talking to your reader — in a language he or she will understand …
  • You’ll learn all the different media and message delivery techniques working today … and the simple process for turning your “written” sales letter into a highly successful “talking promotion,” capable of boosting your response by 200% and 300%.
  • You’ll learn precisely what markets are looking for from new copywriters just starting out — and surefire ways to land your first project … directly from the very people in desperate need of new writers, looking to hire people like you …

In short, you’ll learn everything there is to know about this most lucrative “niche” of the copywriting market so you can write, compete, even beat most of the competition out there …

So you too can take your rightful place in this little “club” of in-demand copywriters.

Copywriters who can make $100,000 or more writing just a handful of letters a year — and watch their income soar by hundreds of thousands more with each success they have.

4 reviews for AWAI Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls

  1. Brandon Green (verified owner)

    This course provided a great foundation for further learning.

  2. Anthony (verified owner)

    This course provided a great foundation for further learning.

  3. Owen (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

  4. Daniel Garcia (verified owner)

    A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

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