
Ben Shaffer – Native Ads Formula

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Ben Shaffer - Native Ads Formula

Ben Shaffer – Native Ads Formula

Price : $197
Just pay : $42
Sale Page : http://www.nativeadsformula.com/indexsales.asp

“How To Exploit the Secret Traffic Source Used by Smart, Underground Marketers to Generate Millions of Visitors Every Day To Any Website For As Little As 1c A Click!”

In The Past, This Traffic Has Only Been Available To Massive Companies Like Visa, McDonald’s, Walmart, Lexus and LendingTree. But Now, It Is Wide Open For You To Take Advantage Of.

What Do CNN, Fox News, Fortune Magazine And Time Magazine All Have In Common?

  • They receive millions of visitors to their sites every single day
  • These visitors are at their peak of ‘surfing’ when they reach these sites and therefore actively want to be engaged with content
  • In general, visitors of these sites are 83% more likely to make a purchase than the ‘average’ internet user

I want to show you how you can use these and similar premium sites to reach high quality prospects at a bargain price. This is traffic that will want to buy your product and give you money!

by Ben Shaffer
aka ‘The Native Ads Guy’

Dear Marketer,

My name is Ben Shaffer and I have been making money online for the last 13 years.

In this time, I have seen many, many different opportunities come and go online.

However, I have never seen ANYTHING as powerful as what I am about to show you.

I want you to understand with precision and clarity what has been a major part of my success and how you can also exploit it in order to rapidly increase your own online profits.

I have a couple of confessions to make…

Firstly, I did not discover this source of traffic. In fact, you have seen ads all over the internet which are sending this traffic but probably not even realize that they are ads. It is also extremely likely that you have clicked on at least one of those ads. Interestingly, this is part of why they are so effective.

Secondly, I have only been using this source of traffic seriously for the last 6 months or so. I have spent countless thousands of dollars testing this traffic and finding out what works NOW and what does not work.

So, if you are looking for advice from someone who has been using this source of traffic for years and years and has not advanced with any changes then that is not me.

However, if you are looking for someone that is up to date with what is working right now and is spending thousands of dollars day in – day out testing, then I am your man.

Spend Less Per Click. Increase The Relevancy Of Your Audience. Increase Your Conversions And Make More Money!

The Problem: Traffic

If you go to any online marketing forum and search for threads about traffic, you will see hundreds (if not thousands) of posts from desperate people asking how they can increase the number of visitors to their website.

In truth, there is no problem with getting traffic.

If you go to the right places – and there are many – then you can pick up US-based traffic for pennies.

Principle #1: There is no shortage of traffic

The Big Myth Of SEO

But often, new marketers don’t want to pay for traffic and therefore do SEO or ‘Social Media’ to drive traffic to their website. And it can work.

But…it’s slow and unpredictable. And here is where the Big Myth comes in: It is not even close to free!

In order to build links and do other SEO and Social Media ‘tricks’, either you need to spend your own time doing it, or you need to pay someone else to do it for you.

To explain this even further, let me tell you about my wonderful wife…

Every week she bakes a cake for the family.

She could buy a ready-made cake from the bakery, but she wants to save money. She is correct in that baking her own cake with her own raw ingredients is less than a 5th of the price of buying even when taking into account wear and tear and gas and electricity.

However, my wife also does work for clients and in the hour that she spends baking the cake, she could have bought two cakes ready made from the bakery had she worked and charged a client for that time instead.

In this example, the raw ingredients are like doing SEO. It may seem like you are not paying for SEO when you do it yourself and spend a few hours or even days. But in reality, this is time when you could be doing something else in order to make money or to make other parts of your business more profitable.

SEO or Social Media are another form of paid traffic, just the costs are not as clear.

Additional disadvantages of ‘free’ traffic is that you don’t have any control on how much you pay per visitor and are unable to predict the number of visitors or even when they will come.

Unlike paid traffic, you cannot turn your traffic on and off at will. If you want to test out an offer or a website you are at mercy to someone else over when your visitors will come.

Principle #2: There is no such thing as free traffic

The REAL Problem: Converting Traffic

If we now agree that all traffic (with minor exceptions) is paid, what are people really asking when they say that they have a problem getting traffic? – this is important.

They are really asking how they can get traffic for cheaper than the amount they are paying per visitor (assuming they are in the business to make a profit).

The REAL Solution:

  • Find a source of traffic which is your target audience at an affordable price
  • Calculate the lifetime value of each visitor on average after you have run some traffic to your offer
  • Continue buying visitors for less than each one is worth to you
  • Scale up that source of traffic so that you are increasing your profit

When I reread what I wrote above, my first thought was “Wow! That sounds so easy!”

In truth, everything comes down to step 1: Find a source of traffic which is your target audience at an affordable price

Principle #3: Profit is when a customer spends more than they cost you

There are some ‘traditional’ sources of traffic like AdWords and Facebook.

However, there are three major problems:

  1. They are expensive. There is so much competition – especially for popular niches – that you will find it very difficult if not impossible to become profitable after you have paid such a high price for a click. In 2016, it is not unusual to have to pay $4+ for just one lead in a competitive niche.
  2. They are very restrictive. They both have a long list of different niches that you can’t advertise in and a longer list of regulations about how you can even advertise on allowed niches. And if you want to promote anything as an affiliate…forget it.Every single day, marketers are having their accounts banned – often totally innocently. The reality is that Facebook and Google prefer brand advertising rather than direct marketing and they are big enough that they can act as they like to their ‘customers’.
  3. They are very complicated. I have been using AdWords for over 10 years and I am even Google Certified. However, I still find it difficult to understand all of the different options when setting up a new campaign. And Facebook is not much different. Their rules change every week or so and are vague, in addition to the fact that you need to do a lot of audience research before starting a campaign.If you have tried Facebook or AdWords then I am sure that you will agree with me that they are in no way easy to use.

Discover the new, powerful traffic source that:

  • Sends you clicks from just 1 cent for almost any niche and are easy to scale up
  • Has very simple to follow regulations. Although different networks have different rules, it is very clear what you are and are not allowed to do. Some as simple as – is your product legal? – Yes? Then you are in…
  • Takes less than a minute to set up a new campaign. No complicated keyword research or targeting particular markets. Just say which kind of traffic you want, make your bid and press ‘Go’ – yes it really can be as easy as that.

Introducing: Native Advertising

So what are native ads?

They are adverts that are shown on a site which are made to look like their website are recommending that you visit the link.

Look at these:

Native Ads On CNN Website

Native Ads On Forbes Website

Native Ads On Mail Online Website

The reason that they are so successful in sending high quality visitors is because you are borrowing the credibility from the site that is hosting the ads.

Native Ads are everywhere because they work. People are clicking on them like crazy and millions of dollars are being made from them every single day.

Native ads is about acquiring insanely cheap traffic and monetising that traffic so that it pays out more than what you are spending.

Big players are spending 10s of thousands of dollars every day on native ads and still being profitable.

And scaling isn’t a problem as there are billions (yes, with a ‘b’) of impressions every single day.

As you can see, it is an opportunity to advertise on some of the busiest sites in the world with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Trust me, when you see your ad on CNN and you are only paying 3c a click – that is a great feeling!

Principle #4: Native Ads are cheap, simple to use and not restrictive

“Whose Recommendations Do You Trust The Most?”

Put yourself in the shoes of an average visitor:

You are catching up on the daily news on your favorite site. Your eye is drawn to an attractive image with an intriguing headline. Normally you don’t click on ads, but in this case because you are interested in the subject AND because you trust your daily news site, you click on it.

When you arrive at the site, you already have an element of trust because you have been sent there by one of your favorite sites.

How many times have you bought something because your friend has it and says it is great? A recommendation from a friend is one of the best recommendations because we know that they wouldn’t tell us about it if they weren’t happy about it.

Well, this works in exactly the same way. When a visitor clicks on your ad and arrives at your site, they are already open to hear about what you have to tell them.

Principle #5: Native Ads are ultra-effective as they quickly establish credibility

Why Native Ads 9 Times Better Than AdWords Or Facebook

So, what changed and why did I move 80% of my advertising spend to native advertising from more traditional online advertising like Facebook and AdWords?

I spend around 10% of my time in any week on what I call my ‘Mad Lab Experiments’. This is usually something that I wouldn’t normally work on, but on the off chance that it does work, I will move that from my ‘Mad Lab’ time and move it to my core working time.

Strangely enough, where my biggest breakthroughs have come over the last 10 years have been from little experiments that started off in my ‘Mad Lab’. It is a way of working that I advise to all of my clients.

During one of my experiments in my 10% time, I made an incredible discovery.

It was actually one of those moments when you shout out your favorite expletive!

I had an offer up for a niche product that was costing me 88c to send a visitor from Facebook, but I was able to send visitors using Native Ads for 9c.

Just that is great, but it didn’t quite work out as you may think.

Here’s the weird thing:

Even when spending 88c a visitor with Facebook I was able to make a profit overall of around 10%. So, if my total ad cost was $100, then I was making back around $110.

I looked at the stats from Native Ads thinking that perhaps I could thank my lucky stars and was making over 600% ROI or something ridiculous like that.

But what I saw actually surprised me.

I wasn’t making 600% ROI but 50% ROI.

So, for every dollar I was spending I was bringing in $1.50

Don’t get me wrong, that is still incredible even though it is not a multiple of 8. But what it made me realize is that Native Ads traffic is VERY different than Facebook traffic.

Not better or worse, but different.

Once I tweaked a few things on the squeeze page and salespage, I was able to increase it to around 80% ROI. I.e. $1.80 came back for every $1 that I spent.

But things that had worked really well with FB ads didn’t works so well necessarily with native ads and vice-versa.

What Makes Native Ads Just So ‘Different’

This is when I started looking at native ads a lot closer and finding out why they were working so much better than traditional advertising and how I could make them even better.

So, here is how to send traffic with native ads:

  1. You have a page to where you want to send your traffic. This could be an offer, an affiliate offer or just a page with AdSense on it
  2. You specify who you want to show your ad to and how much you are willing to spend (Country, Device, Dates etc.)
  3. You choose a relevant image and an intriguing headline
  4. You click on the Start button and wait for your campaign to go live

Once your campaign is live, it will start showing on different websites around the world and traffic will start flowing in to your site.

I know that I make it sound simple to get started – and that’s because it is.

Anyone can get started very easily with native ads. The hard part though is making more money than you are spending on ads.

And this is where I come in…

Due to creating thousands of different ads and spending thousands of dollars, I have become very good at profiting with native ads and want to show you how to do the same.


“…The content which Ben has put out is AMAZING.”

I literally knew NOTHING about native advertising until I started going through Ben’s course.

I run several e-commerce businesses and I wanted to learn how to drive more traffic to my offers because FB wasn’t working out well for me.

Ben goes in depth about how he gets the best results from his ads.

The content which Ben has put out is AMAZING. I’m sure anyone who purchases this product will be pretty happy.

Aravindah Srihdar


If you have never used Native ads before then I will hold your hand from the very beginning until your campaign is profitable.

If you have used native ads and are experienced and even profitable then I want to give you insights which will totally change the way that you are currently advertising and will increase your profits to match.

I will even go as far as to say that it would be unlikely if you did not double or triple your profits by following some of the tips within Native Ads Formula

I was desperate to learn how to use native ads effectively when I started, but there was not one person teaching how to do it that was actually using it day-in day-out. I don’t mean some ‘Guru’ course that is based on theory. I mean to explain what works and why it works. And even how to make something that isn’t working, work.

This is what I want to do for you with…

Native Ads Formula – The Definitive Guide

Native Ads Formula is a set of 11 modules which covers everything that you will ever need to know about Native Advertising. It is very thorough and covers all of the different angles that you may come across when advertising with native ads.

It has been created in a special way so that every marketer – whether beginner or advanced – will be able to pinpoint the exact knowledge that you need.

Each module offers a different aspect of Native Advertising with the idea that by the end of this course you will radically increase your profits by integrating native advertising properly into your own online business.

And if you are just getting started with advertising and want to send cheap traffic to an affiliate or CPA offer, then I will show you how to do that also.

From Module 1 to Module 11 we set the stage so that you understand the exact theory behind native ads and how you can take advantage of their unique characteristics.

If you are just starting off with native advertising, then it is important to learn the basics before jumping into the deep end with your first campaign.

In this module, you will discover:

  • What makes Native Advertising so unique and how you can use that uniqueness to triple your profits on any campaign
  • The 4 ways that you can force CNN (and other large sites) to lend you their credibility leading to an increase in your customers’ trust – this never fails to make sales
  • How to make anyone click on your ad without even realizing that they are leaving a site – and how that is incredible for you when giving a first impression
  • The only 4 ways to use native advertising effectively. You must be aware of these or your CTR will plummet
  • The myths about clickbait headlines and why using them could actually lose you money

Choosing what to advertise is half the battle when using native ads. If you get this wrong then you will always lose money. If you get this right then the sky is the limit.

In this module, you will discover:

  • A unique way to approach selling an affiliate product by teasing – totally legit, moral and legal
  • One niche that is currently exploding and even if you are not there already, then you should definitely put it on your list to try
  • Which kinds of products, consumers are begging to spend money on if you can get your message in front of them. You can use this ninja trick in order to find out where the real money is
  • The two types of audience that you must be going after. Many just go after the first and that is a huge mistake that can cost you 50% or more

One of the limitations of Native Advertising is that you are advertising to such a large audience that there can be wasted impressions. However, there are ways to ensure that only your targeted audience will actually click on your ads – thus saving you money.

In this module, you will discover:

  • Why niching down could be a disaster for you and what is an easy test that you can do to tell if that is the case
  • How you can find the best sites to advertise on with zero effort or research
  • The power of negative advertising and how that can save you a load of money and increase your ROI
  • How to use particular words to get the right people clicking on your ad, thereby increasing your profit
  • Why spending more on a click and having an awful CTR could actually cost you less per customer

There are almost as many Native Ad networks as there are PPC networks. It is vitally important to make sure that you are advertising on the correct one according to your campaign aims.

In this module, you will discover:

  • The only 4 networks you must use if you don’t want to lose your hat. And why using a combination of different networks could be your secret to success
  • Immediate action that you must take right now in preparation for monster traffic. Not doing this is one of the worst mistakes you can make
  • Funny ‘tricks’ that you must NOT play unless you want future headaches
  • How to ensure that you become more important to a network than they are for you. This will bring you surprising privileges

It is very easy to get started with native advertising. And often you will just bid the minimum. However, this will result in little to no traffic. It is very important to know how bidding will affect your traffic volume and profit.

In this module, you will discover:

  • How bidding works from the networks’ point of view. This is essential information in order to create your own bidding strategy
  • The main strategy to ensure that your ads always show on the premium sites. This in itself can totally turn around a campaign
  • Why you must embrace randomness and use it to your advantage when running a successful campaign
  • How the famous quality score will apply to your native ads and how it is decided. Also what is the main factor that motivates the network to show your ad – so much more than just CTR (Click-Thru Rate)!

How much should you bid at the start of a campaign. The answer is, that it depends…However, get this wrong and your whole campaign will soon die a slow death.

In this module, you will discover:

  • The ‘Double Trouble’ technique – no-one else seems to be doing this, but if you do this at the start of every campaign, you can vastly affect your bid price
  • Why you should be happier, the more that you lose at a beginning of a campaign
  • Sure signs of when you should just kill a campaign and cut your losses. Similar to the Gamblers’ Fallacy
  • The easiest way to be 100% sure where 20% of your profits are coming from. No-one enjoys tracking, but this is by far the least painful way of doing it!
  • How to make use of ‘dynamic tagging’ to really rocket your revenue

In order to get traffic, you will need not just good ads but great ads. This is a large part of your success equation. Do NOT miss this module.

In this module, you will discover:

  • The ONE MOST IMPORTANT WORD that will always create you a winning ad. All top copywriters know this
  • The third element of an ad that almost everyone forgets about but can have a massive effect on your conversion. Image and Headline are important, but forget the third and you will suffer
  • Exactly how to deal with ‘outliers’ – that is ads that have a low CTR but are getting the majority of clicks
  • A quick tip which will immediately increase your CTR on any ad – but best used only under certain conditions
  • The best free place to go to swipe winning native ads headlines and 3 places to go to find free images.
  • The facts and figures on when you should kill, pause, duplicate an ad or just leave it as is. Includes Easy-To-Follow Flowchart:

At some point you will break even or be making a profit. This module will show you how you can use analytics to increase your profits and reduce your costs and take advantage of the low-hanging fruit that you have been leaving on the table.

In this module, you will discover:

  • What are the essential aspects to look for and how to apply that knowledge to your Native Advertising campaign
  • How to set up Google Analytics especially for using Native Advertising and also creating goals that will track your sales
  • How to make sense of what your analytics are telling you and adapt that information into action steps
  • How to use Google Analytics if you plan on applying the arbitrage model

There are certain techniques that 99% of advertisers are not doing because they don’t know about them. Here I give you a leg-up so that you can join the 1%.

In this module, you will discover:

  • How to make a profit with the cheapest traffic out there – foreign traffic – there are HUGE numbers, but they must be approached in the correct way
  • How to use competing campaigns effectively. This rammed me up a level with native advertising and will do for you also
  • A technique that you can use to reach your best prospects by other mediums
  • What you can do so that you can avoid ‘dead’ times of the day or week – and when these times are – NOT the same as other advertising
  • …and many more which are exclusive to Native Ads Formula members

You will come to a point where you are either paying too much for a click or not getting enough traffic. This module will show you what to do in each case so that you can breathe back profit into any campaign.

In this module, you will discover:

  • When to increase or decrease your bid for increased profits – yes, increasing your bid can actually increase margins many times
  • The importance of your budget and why it matters so much when you want to be ultra-profitable
  • What actions to take in order to save a losing campaign
  • Includes easy-to-follow flow-chart so that you know exactly what to do in every situation:

Spy Tools are special resources that can show you existing successful campaigns which you can model. In this module, we go over two different tools and review where and how you can use them for your advantage.

In this module, you will discover:

  • How to find existing successful campaigns
  • The difference between a winner and a loser and how to immediately decide which one a campaign will be
  • Whether spy-tools will be of any use to you or you are better to spend your money elsewhere
  • Hidden uses of spy tools which the average marketer doesn’t take advantage of

As you can see, Native Ads Formula is very thorough comprehensive in making sure that you understand everything that there is to know in order to make money from Native Ads. It is all set out in a clear and concise manner.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

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6 reviews for Ben Shaffer – Native Ads Formula

  1. Kevin (verified owner)

    Great value for the price. Highly recommend!

  2. Avery (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and informative.

  3. Kyle Perry (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  4. Sean Bennett (verified owner)

    The practical exercises were very helpful.

  5. Ryan (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  6. Kevin (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and easy to understand.

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