
Bo Bennett – Year to Success: The Complete Course on Success

(4 customer reviews)

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Bo Bennett – Year to Success: The Complete Course on Success

Price:  $99
Sale Page: blankrefer.com/?

Bo Bennett knows about success. By the age of 29 he had developed, built up and sold an innovative technology company during the peak of the tech boom and sold it for $20,000,000 — and got to keep most of it! He now gives back information and inspiration that can lead others to live a successful life in his debut book, Year To Success.


Bo Bennett knows about success. By the age of 29 he had developed, built up and sold an innovative technology company during the peak of the tech boom and sold it for $20,000,000 — and got to keep most of it! He now gives back information and inspiration that can lead others to live a successful life in his debut book, Year To Success.


Bo represents a new generation of self-made millionaires, using creativity and initiative to exploit the latest developments in the fast-growing technology and service sectors. Many of the ideas in his book came from his independent pursuit of success and were later validated by the end results and echoed by other leaders and entrepreneurs.

“There are no secret formulas or insider rules to be acquired,” says Bo. “In fact, many of the principles are not new, but rather, they are time-tested, proven and self-evident. This is perhaps the most comprehensive book, filled with simply stated values of how to become successful.” In fact, where most people trumpet quick paths to boundless wealth, Bo purposely slows it down and creates a year-long program and systematic approach that has roots in the teachings of the masters of success: Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, and Anthony Robbins.

“This catalog of time-honored methods presents a primer of core values and success principles for the next generation to utilize and put into place,” says Bo. “It’s not something you can master in just one seminar; it takes daily practice for an entire year to absorb all of the vital principles one needs to utilize for success.”

Bo addresses the following story topics:

What do many people fail to do that could make the difference between living a life of proven success vs. one only of promise and what could be.
In an increasingly global, digital, freelance society, do the success strategies change with the times — or are they as important and relevant as ever before?
What are the lessons learned from successful people like Oprah, Trump, Gates, Seinfeld and Schwarzenegger?
Is our society too money-centric to be successful?
Why you should believe you can be successful — and what you’ll need to do to become successful.
He shares literally thousands of principles, including: view failure as being temporary; never, ever lie; face your weaknesses; be a mentor; take initiative; never be a one-upper; and shows us how to find opportunities. He also emphasizes the need for time mastery, self-discipline, having a strong vocabulary, mastering grammar basics, learning speed-reading; and implores us to take up martial arts — “it gives you confidence, discipline, fitness, security and goals.”

Year To Success draws on the wisdom and inspiring words of model success stories, sharing the insight of dozens of political leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, inventors, and modern-day celebrities. Members of this diverse group include: Thomas Edison, Mary Kay Ash, Ben Franklin, J.K. Rowling, Albert Einstein, Michael Bloomberg, Helen Keller and Jackie Chan. Many references to pop culture and movies are made, providing easily identifiable examples, drawing on movies such as The Godfather, Crocodile Dundee, What About Bob, The Shining, and Naked Gun.

Bo shares some valuable insights into what success is — or isn’t. He says:

“The pursuit of quick riches only leads to cons, scams and shady sales jobs. Anyone promising instant fortune with little or no effort really means that they will become instantly rich off people who send them money.”
“Nobody can tell you exactly how to become successful. Lasting success must be achieved through passion, and only you know what you are passionate about.”
“Many people who sell ‘how to get rich’ ideas only became rich themselves by selling their own books, tapes and seminars on how to get rich! These are authors that usually hide their professional background from their readers.”
Year To Success also tells us how to: handle mistakes; recognize a dead end, make strong first impressions; sacrifice; make decisions; make the best of a bad situation. Readers are also encouraged to create a “dream collage,” which is a collection of photos, magazine clips or other images that define our ideas of success and read like a photo album of the life we’d like to live. It serves as an inspiring visual reminder.

Year To Success also highlights Bo’s foundation for success: education plus inspiration plus action equals success.

Bo warns us that one of the biggest mistakes people make in the pursuit of success is “giving up on single ideas, beliefs, skills and concepts because they see little or no change from them. They change to a successful behavior, notice no change, and then revert back to old behavior. This is like taking a step up your ladder, not being able to see the top any better, then stepping back down. With this pattern, you can easily see why so many never reach success.”

Bo reminds us to be people of action: “Taking action is what this book is all about. It is doing the action steps that bring you closer to success.” Or as Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Bo knows of no other way.

Written by Bo Bennett. Posted in Uncategorised
“It is not often that someone can make their own dreams come true let alone truly show others how to achieve their own goals. When you couple Bo’s enthusiasm, step by step thinking processes and apparent wisdom with his soft humor and obvious sincerity, you have a powerful presentation that will change your life. This book is a must for those who want true balance in their life!” – Colleen Brudz, NY

“This book covers many important items that Carnegie, Hill, Peale, Stone, Covey, Blanchard, Mandino and others didn’t even consider… It’s a must read for all those seeking happiness, abundance and success” – John H. George, TX

“Year to Success has been a tremendous addition to my day as well as the hundreds of chiropractic patients I have handed out daily inspirations to. Many people report they hang these up at work or on their refrigerator. Your book makes a difference in many lives. Well done.” – Dr. Kevin Lowey, MA

“The daily lessons have opened my mind to higher possibilities and given me a newfound personal wisdom. Success is now the only option, it’s what I now expect for myself.” – Karyn White, Melbourne, Australia

“This is truly the best personal development course I have ever taken. Thank you for sharing this wonderful material—brilliant insight with amazing results!” – Suzanne Kincaid, WA

“Bo – I just wanted to say thank you for a great thing you have done with this site and course. It is a great way to start each day. I love the humor in the quiz questions. You are an inspiring individual. Thank you.”

“You have made a very positive impact on my family, and I’d like to say a simple, heartfelt, thank you. Very big changes have come about with many variables in play, and I personally give ultimate credit to a power greater than any person, but I have to tell you that your work played a distinct role in keeping our family together. Thank you, Mr. Bennett!”

“I am not sure I am quite to the end of the year (day 366?) but close enough to congratulate you on the work and inspiration you have put in composing Year to Success. I found a lot of valuable advice, ideas and “renewed stamina”! I will definitely recommend the site and encourage people to follow this lifelong route.”

“Your course, along with other well-timed nudges from the Universe, have set me on my path, and I am now dedicating one day a week to living my goal. Your daily lessons have given me the tools and the confidence I need to know I CAN DO THIS! THANK you for making this course available for people like me!”

“I’m finally taking the time to send you a personal email to say “thank you” for all of your hard efforts in helping others make improvements in their lives. Your Year To Success program is original and (most of all) practical…. bit sized chunks of digestible information every day. Beats trying to read and absorb an entire book in one sitting.”

“I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ Bo for all I have learnt through you this past year. I have looked forward to your email each day and changed my way of thinking so much. There is a great deal of “positivity” in my life now and I feel more prepared for each challenge that comes my way.”

“It has been 242 days since I first start listening to your great book “Year to Success” and I found it an obligation to thank you for your spectacular effort even before completing the book. Actually, thanks would never be fair besides what you generously presented in your book.”

“Thank you so much for this wonderful book and the valuable advice you give us. I enjoy reading it every day for the past 365 days.”

“Each daily message contains such important wisdom for daily life to guide people who reach for success. Thank you for all your work to make Year to Success a reality. It helps so many people. Each time I read the daily message, I am remind of an important truth or learn something new that will help me.”

“I just wanted to formally thank you for the service you provide. I can not understand why everyone in the world isn’t taking advantage of the website. Not only is it extremely easy to navigate, but the information is so incredibly insightful and relevant. I wish you continued success and thank you for allowing people to access this very valuable information free of charge. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“As a fairly new empty-nester, my life is at a crossroads! This has been, thus far, a wonderful year of contemplation of my life to this point and where I want to go in the future. Thank you for this course, which will further clarify for me what my calling is at this stage and how best to answer that Call! I can tell already, by the exercise on defining success, that this will be a year of both revelation and accomplishment which will not only bring deeper meaning to my life, but will ripple out to affect many other lives as well, from my husband and children to as far as a person can possibly reach!”

“First of thank you for this fantastic course you have created, and the fact that you give it out for free over email says a lot about you. Its the best value I have got from a newsletter ever!”

“Hi Bo, just wanted to say what a great help this has been. I’m on day 11 and I am finding the advice given very helpful. For ages I feel I’ve been banging my head against a brick wall, but your steps are helping me to find the confidence to keep chasing my dreams. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m sure I will get there. Thanks again.”

“I would like to thank you for writing this book. It has been a great inspiration to me in the few weeks that I have owned it. I am currently starting my own company and I have turned to it for strength on a number of occasions. It is on my night stand and I open it to my favorite pages often.”

“I have been through the course “YEAR TO SUCCESS”…. it’s really good and useful. Topics presented in this course made me to focus on some aspects which, I use to take for granted, otherwise. As I have been through the course content and the way it is presented, I can have a fair guess of the efforts put in and the sincerity with which it is prepared.”

“I have enjoy your site very much. It has been an inspiration every day to come to my office and go through the success lessons. I have learn much and I will continue to make reference to your book as I go through my daily activities.”

“I think your year to success emails are wonderful. I make time for them nearly everyday because they help me start my day off in a better frame of mind. Great improvement happens a little bit at a time.”

“Just wanted to thank you for making “Year to Success” available to people. I looked forward to your e-mails everyday and though I did not always do my homework, many seeds have been planted.”

“I really enjoy your websites, and especially the Y2S daily quiz questions. If it’s you who writes them, then I love your sense of humor.”

“You do such a great job and I really enjoy your opinions about things. Those ideas are positive, inspiring, encourage… Even the way you used to write your articles are unique. Thank you for your great job!”

“I just wanted to say “thank you” for a wonderful year of Y2S! I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. Already I have seen my life become more successful since day 1. God bless you for what you do!”

“Bo, I would very much like to thank you for a very inspirational site. Often I wake up with a thought /question in my mind, and some how at the right time you would come up either with an answer or moral support, or affirmation that my way of thinking is not wrong. Hopefully soon enough I will find myself in the position which I want to be in so much, with a backup support system like yours the chances are good.”

“Thanks for putting your research, knowledge and experience to work for the benefit of others. This is a great way to share valuable wisdom and universal truths.”

“Dear BO, It seems as if I have started your course at exactly the right time in my life. With all the changing events, and things going on in my life and mind at this moment, you always seem to have the right message on the right day. So once again for encouraging, motivation, confirming and generally assisting in different aspects all the time.”

“Hi Bo, I just did the two lessons on time mastery, and I wanted to thank you for all you are doing for me. I always feel better after I come out of a couple of sessions with you.”

“As always. helpful, enjoyable reading. Good points made clearly, and never preachy.”

“First of all….I really don’t know how to say it…but after completing day one I feel so happy. I don’t know what it is…but maybe it will come out in the rest of this note. I just wanted to let you know that that was a great article and a lot of good information on day one. I really did do the exercises and I think I really was honest with my self…maybe for the first time…about what my REAL goals and real idea of success is. I feel I have already accomplished something. I feel like ”

“I’ve completed lesson 60 and want to thank you for your excellent work. This is an excellent web site! I have started an exercise program and there are numerous small benefits I have received as a consequence of your web site… It is a tremendously valuable gift to the world.”

“Just wanted to say Thank You for having this year to success site and offering your knowledge and insight to others. It is very helpful to me and I’m sure many others!”

“Dear Bo, Just a note to tell you how beneficial I believe this exercise will be. Day 9- ‘The Power of Choice’ is my hands down favorite so far. That message is powerful and really hit home. Day 18 – ‘Separating Performance from Performer’ is also very powerful and I will use these skills to be a better person, parent and as a guide to being a successful person.”

“Hi – thanks for writing this section. I love your program – it is very helpful right now! Your reminder of persistence and the power of saying it, is reinforcing! Thank you.”

“Bo, thank you for putting together this system. I have seen and read and listened to many tapes with little to no change. After recently starting a new venture, and applying, every day, your words of wisdom, I am already seeing a more successful future lying ahead…happier too.”

“Hi Bo, Just wanted to tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying this course. I’ve just completed 33 days, and surprising myself that I’ve actually sticking to it. I’m pretty good once I determine to do something, but I’m also famous for starting something with good intentions but letting something else keep me from it! I’ve already had changes in my life, so it is definitely affecting me! Thank you for this. It’s really been awesome!”

“Talk about timing! This lesson couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’m really enjoying this and referring everyone I know to it! Great for everyone!”

“Thanks a lot!!!!!! This article 17 was actually meant for me (probably everybody feels that way) and I wanted to give my heart felt thanks to you. This has come in the right time of my career.”

“It is an eye-opener for me learning about time-mastery. I can almost say your students will be all-round masters after the course in the various vital aspects of life.”

“Thank you so much for making this program possible for me. I look forward every day to my next lesson – Even more importantly – I invited my sister to join and we were just talking on the phone and she asked if I had read day 45 yet – then told me how she looks for her new lesson each morning. Thank you again, you are truly blessing our lives each day.”

“It’s been wonderful throughout this course and has helped me a lot.  I am ever obliged to you for this and I feel that every individual on this earth should practice the principles you suggested for their success and to the success of the mankind. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you so much for your wonderful work. You really have made my day today. Now i’m going to practice it until it becomes second nature.”

“I want to thank you for this program and the inspiration and encouragement it has provided while I am establishing my business. So often, the “words of wisdom” from you has made the difference in changing my attitude about my day. The program has been a good resource for learning about many other successful people and has helped me to focus on achieving my own success. Thank you.”

“I simply want to THANK YOU for sharing your wisdom and the knowledge with the whole world. You are changing lives of people for the better, and the amazing part is that you are doing all this without expecting any compensation.

My friend, being a student of personal development and following the teachings of James Allen, Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn etc. for the past few years, I have learned to believe that “What you SOW is what you REAP”.

My friend, you are sowing so much good in people’s lives that God (Universe) will reward you with multiple of what you are sowing. Keep up the good work.

I am greatly thankful to you and the person who referred this to me and I am doing the same.”

“I have now completed my year and this in itself was a great achievement for me as in the past I have had a tendency to give up a course halfway through. Since joining YearToSuccess I have travelled many paths and changed many obstructions that lay in my way, I now feel healthier and far more positive about myself more than ever. My past life was very turbulent to say this least but now with your help and my now tuned in PMA I am now looking forward to the coming year, but I will still be looking into Year To Success as much as possible , I will probably start another year why not?”

“Just wanted to thank you for the excellent material that you a are providing. I truly enjoy the success journey. The way the content is presented is inspiring and interesting, at the same time very breif and to the point.”

“I want to congratulate you on a fabulous and comprehensive presentation. I was first attracted by your success emphasis. I then begin to learn from your online markting prowess. I especially like your press kit down load. Thank you for teaching me. Also, your writing style is compelling: succinct and substantive. Congratulations on your steller accomplishments and continued growth.”

“I just wanted to say thanks for such a great site! I have recommended it to several people and will continue to do so. It is helping me stay focused on making myself and life in general a little better each day. My children are reacting to being in such a positive environment, which is certainly due in part to what you contribute to my life each day.”

“This course was one of the best courses I have done. Ia have been sharing this with a number of my friends and am sure mu future will be influenced by this”

“Thank You for doing this! I am on my ‘way up’ from hitting ‘rock bottom’ and am finding some stable ground and encouragement through this program— And I am only on Day 9!!!!!!”

“Your daily messages have taken alot of thought and it shows…I believe in your business creed and hope a lot of other business people are agreeing and learning from your course. Thanks. ”

“I am presently on day 178. Life gets in the way and I’m several lessons behind but I’m catching up. Some have been real treasurers. All have been interesting and some highly beneficial. I’m 64and can prove that old dogs can learn new tricks.”

“This is my 6th day on your program and I wanted to thank you. This is exactly what I needed and each session gets better.”

fast-growing technology and service sectors. Many of the ideas in his book came from his independent pursuit of success and were later validated by the end results and echoed by other leaders and entrepreneurs.

“There are no secret formulas or insider rules to be acquired,” says Bo. “In fact, many of the principles are not new, but rather, they are time-tested, proven and self-evident. This is perhaps the most comprehensive book, filled with simply stated values of how to become successful.” In fact, where most people trumpet quick paths to boundless wealth, Bo purposely slows it down and creates a year-long program and systematic approach that has roots in the teachings of the masters of success: Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, and Anthony Robbins.

“This catalog of time-honored methods presents a primer of core values and success principles for the next generation to utilize and put into place,” says Bo. “It’s not something you can master in just one seminar; it takes daily practice for an entire year to absorb all of the vital principles one needs to utilize for success.”

Bo addresses the following story topics:

What do many people fail to do that could make the difference between living a life of proven success vs. one only of promise and what could be.
In an increasingly global, digital, freelance society, do the success strategies change with the times — or are they as important and relevant as ever before?
What are the lessons learned from successful people like Oprah, Trump, Gates, Seinfeld and Schwarzenegger?
Is our society too money-centric to be successful?
Why you should believe you can be successful — and what you’ll need to do to become successful.
He shares literally thousands of principles, including: view failure as being temporary; never, ever lie; face your weaknesses; be a mentor; take initiative; never be a one-upper; and shows us how to find opportunities. He also emphasizes the need for time mastery, self-discipline, having a strong vocabulary, mastering grammar basics, learning speed-reading; and implores us to take up martial arts — “it gives you confidence, discipline, fitness, security and goals.”

Year To Success draws on the wisdom and inspiring words of model success stories, sharing the insight of dozens of political leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, inventors, and modern-day celebrities. Members of this diverse group include: Thomas Edison, Mary Kay Ash, Ben Franklin, J.K. Rowling, Albert Einstein, Michael Bloomberg, Helen Keller and Jackie Chan. Many references to pop culture and movies are made, providing easily identifiable examples, drawing on movies such as The Godfather, Crocodile Dundee, What About Bob, The Shining, and Naked Gun.

Bo shares some valuable insights into what success is — or isn’t. He says:

“The pursuit of quick riches only leads to cons, scams and shady sales jobs. Anyone promising instant fortune with little or no effort really means that they will become instantly rich off people who send them money.”
“Nobody can tell you exactly how to become successful. Lasting success must be achieved through passion, and only you know what you are passionate about.”
“Many people who sell ‘how to get rich’ ideas only became rich themselves by selling their own books, tapes and seminars on how to get rich! These are authors that usually hide their professional background from their readers.”
Year To Success also tells us how to: handle mistakes; recognize a dead end, make strong first impressions; sacrifice; make decisions; make the best of a bad situation. Readers are also encouraged to create a “dream collage,” which is a collection of photos, magazine clips or other images that define our ideas of success and read like a photo album of the life we’d like to live. It serves as an inspiring visual reminder.

Year To Success also highlights Bo’s foundation for success: education plus inspiration plus action equals success.

Bo warns us that one of the biggest mistakes people make in the pursuit of success is “giving up on single ideas, beliefs, skills and concepts because they see little or no change from them. They change to a successful behavior, notice no change, and then revert back to old behavior. This is like taking a step up your ladder, not being able to see the top any better, then stepping back down. With this pattern, you can easily see why so many never reach success.”

Bo reminds us to be people of action: “Taking action is what this book is all about. It is doing the action steps that bring you closer to success.” Or as Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Bo knows of no other way.

Written by Bo Bennett. Posted in Uncategorised
“It is not often that someone can make their own dreams come true let alone truly show others how to achieve their own goals. When you couple Bo’s enthusiasm, step by step thinking processes and apparent wisdom with his soft humor and obvious sincerity, you have a powerful presentation that will change your life. This book is a must for those who want true balance in their life!” – Colleen Brudz, NY

“This book covers many important items that Carnegie, Hill, Peale, Stone, Covey, Blanchard, Mandino and others didn’t even consider… It’s a must read for all those seeking happiness, abundance and success” – John H. George, TX

“Year to Success has been a tremendous addition to my day as well as the hundreds of chiropractic patients I have handed out daily inspirations to. Many people report they hang these up at work or on their refrigerator. Your book makes a difference in many lives. Well done.” – Dr. Kevin Lowey, MA

“The daily lessons have opened my mind to higher possibilities and given me a newfound personal wisdom. Success is now the only option, it’s what I now expect for myself.” – Karyn White, Melbourne, Australia

“This is truly the best personal development course I have ever taken. Thank you for sharing this wonderful material—brilliant insight with amazing results!” – Suzanne Kincaid, WA

“Bo – I just wanted to say thank you for a great thing you have done with this site and course. It is a great way to start each day. I love the humor in the quiz questions. You are an inspiring individual. Thank you.”

“You have made a very positive impact on my family, and I’d like to say a simple, heartfelt, thank you. Very big changes have come about with many variables in play, and I personally give ultimate credit to a power greater than any person, but I have to tell you that your work played a distinct role in keeping our family together. Thank you, Mr. Bennett!”

“I am not sure I am quite to the end of the year (day 366?) but close enough to congratulate you on the work and inspiration you have put in composing Year to Success. I found a lot of valuable advice, ideas and “renewed stamina”! I will definitely recommend the site and encourage people to follow this lifelong route.”

“Your course, along with other well-timed nudges from the Universe, have set me on my path, and I am now dedicating one day a week to living my goal. Your daily lessons have given me the tools and the confidence I need to know I CAN DO THIS! THANK you for making this course available for people like me!”

“I’m finally taking the time to send you a personal email to say “thank you” for all of your hard efforts in helping others make improvements in their lives. Your Year To Success program is original and (most of all) practical…. bit sized chunks of digestible information every day. Beats trying to read and absorb an entire book in one sitting.”

“I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ Bo for all I have learnt through you this past year. I have looked forward to your email each day and changed my way of thinking so much. There is a great deal of “positivity” in my life now and I feel more prepared for each challenge that comes my way.”

“It has been 242 days since I first start listening to your great book “Year to Success” and I found it an obligation to thank you for your spectacular effort even before completing the book. Actually, thanks would never be fair besides what you generously presented in your book.”

“Thank you so much for this wonderful book and the valuable advice you give us. I enjoy reading it every day for the past 365 days.”

“Each daily message contains such important wisdom for daily life to guide people who reach for success. Thank you for all your work to make Year to Success a reality. It helps so many people. Each time I read the daily message, I am remind of an important truth or learn something new that will help me.”

“I just wanted to formally thank you for the service you provide. I can not understand why everyone in the world isn’t taking advantage of the website. Not only is it extremely easy to navigate, but the information is so incredibly insightful and relevant. I wish you continued success and thank you for allowing people to access this very valuable information free of charge. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“As a fairly new empty-nester, my life is at a crossroads! This has been, thus far, a wonderful year of contemplation of my life to this point and where I want to go in the future. Thank you for this course, which will further clarify for me what my calling is at this stage and how best to answer that Call! I can tell already, by the exercise on defining success, that this will be a year of both revelation and accomplishment which will not only bring deeper meaning to my life, but will ripple out to affect many other lives as well, from my husband and children to as far as a person can possibly reach!”

“First of thank you for this fantastic course you have created, and the fact that you give it out for free over email says a lot about you. Its the best value I have got from a newsletter ever!”

“Hi Bo, just wanted to say what a great help this has been. I’m on day 11 and I am finding the advice given very helpful. For ages I feel I’ve been banging my head against a brick wall, but your steps are helping me to find the confidence to keep chasing my dreams. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m sure I will get there. Thanks again.”

“I would like to thank you for writing this book. It has been a great inspiration to me in the few weeks that I have owned it. I am currently starting my own company and I have turned to it for strength on a number of occasions. It is on my night stand and I open it to my favorite pages often.”

“I have been through the course “YEAR TO SUCCESS”…. it’s really good and useful. Topics presented in this course made me to focus on some aspects which, I use to take for granted, otherwise. As I have been through the course content and the way it is presented, I can have a fair guess of the efforts put in and the sincerity with which it is prepared.”

“I have enjoy your site very much. It has been an inspiration every day to come to my office and go through the success lessons. I have learn much and I will continue to make reference to your book as I go through my daily activities.”

“I think your year to success emails are wonderful. I make time for them nearly everyday because they help me start my day off in a better frame of mind. Great improvement happens a little bit at a time.”

“Just wanted to thank you for making “Year to Success” available to people. I looked forward to your e-mails everyday and though I did not always do my homework, many seeds have been planted.”

“I really enjoy your websites, and especially the Y2S daily quiz questions. If it’s you who writes them, then I love your sense of humor.”

“You do such a great job and I really enjoy your opinions about things. Those ideas are positive, inspiring, encourage… Even the way you used to write your articles are unique. Thank you for your great job!”

“I just wanted to say “thank you” for a wonderful year of Y2S! I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. Already I have seen my life become more successful since day 1. God bless you for what you do!”

“Bo, I would very much like to thank you for a very inspirational site. Often I wake up with a thought /question in my mind, and some how at the right time you would come up either with an answer or moral support, or affirmation that my way of thinking is not wrong. Hopefully soon enough I will find myself in the position which I want to be in so much, with a backup support system like yours the chances are good.”

“Thanks for putting your research, knowledge and experience to work for the benefit of others. This is a great way to share valuable wisdom and universal truths.”

“Dear BO, It seems as if I have started your course at exactly the right time in my life. With all the changing events, and things going on in my life and mind at this moment, you always seem to have the right message on the right day. So once again for encouraging, motivation, confirming and generally assisting in different aspects all the time.”

“Hi Bo, I just did the two lessons on time mastery, and I wanted to thank you for all you are doing for me. I always feel better after I come out of a couple of sessions with you.”

“As always. helpful, enjoyable reading. Good points made clearly, and never preachy.”

“First of all….I really don’t know how to say it…but after completing day one I feel so happy. I don’t know what it is…but maybe it will come out in the rest of this note. I just wanted to let you know that that was a great article and a lot of good information on day one. I really did do the exercises and I think I really was honest with my self…maybe for the first time…about what my REAL goals and real idea of success is. I feel I have already accomplished something. I feel like ”

“I’ve completed lesson 60 and want to thank you for your excellent work. This is an excellent web site! I have started an exercise program and there are numerous small benefits I have received as a consequence of your web site… It is a tremendously valuable gift to the world.”

“Just wanted to say Thank You for having this year to success site and offering your knowledge and insight to others. It is very helpful to me and I’m sure many others!”

“Dear Bo, Just a note to tell you how beneficial I believe this exercise will be. Day 9- ‘The Power of Choice’ is my hands down favorite so far. That message is powerful and really hit home. Day 18 – ‘Separating Performance from Performer’ is also very powerful and I will use these skills to be a better person, parent and as a guide to being a successful person.”

“Hi – thanks for writing this section. I love your program – it is very helpful right now! Your reminder of persistence and the power of saying it, is reinforcing! Thank you.”

“Bo, thank you for putting together this system. I have seen and read and listened to many tapes with little to no change. After recently starting a new venture, and applying, every day, your words of wisdom, I am already seeing a more successful future lying ahead…happier too.”

“Hi Bo, Just wanted to tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying this course. I’ve just completed 33 days, and surprising myself that I’ve actually sticking to it. I’m pretty good once I determine to do something, but I’m also famous for starting something with good intentions but letting something else keep me from it! I’ve already had changes in my life, so it is definitely affecting me! Thank you for this. It’s really been awesome!”

“Talk about timing! This lesson couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’m really enjoying this and referring everyone I know to it! Great for everyone!”

“Thanks a lot!!!!!! This article 17 was actually meant for me (probably everybody feels that way) and I wanted to give my heart felt thanks to you. This has come in the right time of my career.”

“It is an eye-opener for me learning about time-mastery. I can almost say your students will be all-round masters after the course in the various vital aspects of life.”

“Thank you so much for making this program possible for me. I look forward every day to my next lesson – Even more importantly – I invited my sister to join and we were just talking on the phone and she asked if I had read day 45 yet – then told me how she looks for her new lesson each morning. Thank you again, you are truly blessing our lives each day.”

“It’s been wonderful throughout this course and has helped me a lot.  I am ever obliged to you for this and I feel that every individual on this earth should practice the principles you suggested for their success and to the success of the mankind. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you so much for your wonderful work. You really have made my day today. Now i’m going to practice it until it becomes second nature.”

“I want to thank you for this program and the inspiration and encouragement it has provided while I am establishing my business. So often, the “words of wisdom” from you has made the difference in changing my attitude about my day. The program has been a good resource for learning about many other successful people and has helped me to focus on achieving my own success. Thank you.”

“I simply want to THANK YOU for sharing your wisdom and the knowledge with the whole world. You are changing lives of people for the better, and the amazing part is that you are doing all this without expecting any compensation.

My friend, being a student of personal development and following the teachings of James Allen, Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn etc. for the past few years, I have learned to believe that “What you SOW is what you REAP”.

My friend, you are sowing so much good in people’s lives that God (Universe) will reward you with multiple of what you are sowing. Keep up the good work.

I am greatly thankful to you and the person who referred this to me and I am doing the same.”

“I have now completed my year and this in itself was a great achievement for me as in the past I have had a tendency to give up a course halfway through. Since joining YearToSuccess I have travelled many paths and changed many obstructions that lay in my way, I now feel healthier and far more positive about myself more than ever. My past life was very turbulent to say this least but now with your help and my now tuned in PMA I am now looking forward to the coming year, but I will still be looking into Year To Success as much as possible , I will probably start another year why not?”

“Just wanted to thank you for the excellent material that you a are providing. I truly enjoy the success journey. The way the content is presented is inspiring and interesting, at the same time very breif and to the point.”

“I want to congratulate you on a fabulous and comprehensive presentation. I was first attracted by your success emphasis. I then begin to learn from your online markting prowess. I especially like your press kit down load. Thank you for teaching me. Also, your writing style is compelling: succinct and substantive. Congratulations on your steller accomplishments and continued growth.”

“I just wanted to say thanks for such a great site! I have recommended it to several people and will continue to do so. It is helping me stay focused on making myself and life in general a little better each day. My children are reacting to being in such a positive environment, which is certainly due in part to what you contribute to my life each day.”

“This course was one of the best courses I have done. Ia have been sharing this with a number of my friends and am sure mu future will be influenced by this”

“Thank You for doing this! I am on my ‘way up’ from hitting ‘rock bottom’ and am finding some stable ground and encouragement through this program— And I am only on Day 9!!!!!!”

“Your daily messages have taken alot of thought and it shows…I believe in your business creed and hope a lot of other business people are agreeing and learning from your course. Thanks. ”

“I am presently on day 178. Life gets in the way and I’m several lessons behind but I’m catching up. Some have been real treasurers. All have been interesting and some highly beneficial. I’m 64and can prove that old dogs can learn new tricks.”

“This is my 6th day on your program and I wanted to thank you. This is exactly what I needed and each session gets better.”

4 reviews for Bo Bennett – Year to Success: The Complete Course on Success

  1. William (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and easy to understand.

  2. Zachary Cook (verified owner)

    I appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

  3. Victoria Phillips (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise instructions.

  4. David Diaz (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and well-organized.

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