
Bring your Passion to Life

(5 customer reviews)

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Bring your Passion to Life

Price : $897
Sale Page : http://premiumcoachingprogram.com/

The Only Program Designed To Help You Monetize Your Passions by Crafting Your First Signature Package Offering in Just 4 Weeks!

Close your eyes and…

…Imagine if you could work less and make more money while helping your clients achieve true transformation?

…Imagine if you could effortlessly create a lasting legacy by touching the lives of dozens, or even hundreds of clients with your coaching business?

…Imagine if you could set yourself up with a lucrative freedom-based business + lifestyle that allows you to attract and work with your dream clients from all over the world?

Ok, now open your eyes and come back to me.

Unfortunately, everything you’ve just imagined is kinda far from your current reality.

Uncertainty keeps you stuck and you are not clear on your purpose, those you’re meant to serve, and how you can best serve them.

You’re living on hope and surviving by the occasional client who agrees to pay for your “discounted” sessions or hourly programs.

Every day it’s you against the clock and in your frantic and hurried energy you feel desperate to sign new clients, make money, and take time out for you.

Have you ever felt like…

You’re the only coach around who doesn’t know the secret to enjoying consistent 10k, 15k, and 20k months?

Making multiple five figure months and beyond as a coach is a huge myth and the coaches who claim to be doing so are BIG. FREAKING. LIARS?

The kind of success you crave requires you to get more training/certificates, spend tens of thousands on marketing and promotion, or get lucky and score an introduction to some big influencer?

If you’re nodding your head yes, then I’ve got some news for you (a little bit of bad followed by some really good)

Bad News

Yes, you’ve been left out on a secret – but not for much longer.

(I’ll tell you what it is in a minute)

Good News

No, Those coaches aren’t big. freaking. liars
– they just have a system in place that you’re lacking.

That system is called a ‘Signature Package Offering’, and you’re about to create one so that you can take your coaching business to the land of your dreams.

I’m here to help you especially if:

You’re struggling in your Coaching Business, selling one time sessions, charging by the hour, and experiencing constant anxiety never knowing where your next client is going to come from.


You’ve never had a paying client and don’t know how to define your ideal client, create a premium coaching package, finally charge what you’re worth, and attract clients who will effortlessly pay what you ask to enroll in your group coaching programs.

No matter where you are on on your journey, here’s what I want you to know and feel in your heart. You are ready to bring your passion to life and …

Those other coaches are not special, extraordinary or unique.

• You deserve the abundance you desire they have.

• You deserve the cash-flow to live freely they receive, and

• You deserve the time and freedom you are longing.

And it can all be yours – starting now.

No, I’m not kidding.

Why should you work with me?

I’ve been in the coaching industry for over 6 years and I consistently enjoy $40,000 months and $100,000 launches in my 1:1 and group coaching programs.

I’ve got an MBA from a top university.

I built and sold a 6-figure online business and enjoyed tremendous success as an online health coach.

I’m the creator of the premier business coaching programs for life, health, and business coaches, including Brand Your Passions®, and From Passion to Profits®; and, I worked as a marketing executive in the financial industry for 10 years.

I use my real life experience to teach my clients and students how to build rockstar coaching businesses that are successful and sustainable.

As a former health coach, I bring a unique perspective when it comes to business-building, brand-identity, and online marketing.

I’m here to empower female entrepreneurs like you to take charge of your success by building your businesses and erasing your limiting beliefs so you can live a fulfilling and abundant life.

If you see all of my current success and assume that I’ve always been successful – let me let you in on something – you’re dead wrong!

Even though I had exceptional traditional business skills, I was totally clueless when it came to online marketing, branding, and sales.

I saw other people becoming successful online, but I struggled with how to position my programs and market myself so I got desperate and was willing to try crazy techniques.

I’d try a marketing technique or tactic, then hold my breath and hit post, publish, or share with my eyes closed – just hoping that it’d finally stick!

• My message wasn’t clear

• I was undercharging constantly

• I was so far away from building my dream business or creating a system for packaging my offerings

And for over a year I just kept feeling small, staying stuck, and committing the eternal online marketing sin… One off packages.

    • I was selling one-off nutrition plans (for $97) with no system for following up, or outline for taking people on a journey that would allow them to achieve a transformation.

To put it simply, I was leaving money on the table.

And, even worse I was overworked and over-tired because I was building my business on the side while under-charging for all the value I was offering.

I spent over a year trying to learn how to build my online business on my own. But, my big breakthrough came when I invested in a mentor who showed me how to create signature package offerings to bring in my first 5k, 10k, and beyond!

What Difference Does Having a Signature Coaching Program Make?

  • A $275,000 one!
  • I have created and filled all the spots in my three signature group coaching programs in the past year. I also stay consistently booked solid in my 1:1 program because I’m able to convey the value of my offerings when I launch my signature package programs.

These days I’m able to live freely, experience abundance, and make a lucrative income without overwhelm or stress by launching my signature coaching programs a few times a year.

  1. (That means that my minimum monthly income is 40k, but I’ve made 100k or more in under a month during my launches)
  2. I’m here to show you the exact steps I took to build my business by creating my own signature packages so you too can go from selling one-off $97 dollar offerings to enjoying $100k+ launches using the Bring Your Passions to Life system.

Bring your Passions to Life

was created especially for new and rising female passion-based coaches that want to consistently attract dream clients and bring in a consistent cash- flow.

Before you attempt to go out and try your own version of spaghetti-marketing let me save you tons of time, effort, and money by showing you exactly what you’ll get in just 4 weeks with me! (I tallied over $22k in investments before I made a single cent of profit in my business).

If you’re ready to start, grow or scale your business, the number one way you can guarantee your success is to create a signature program.

In Just 4 Weeks You’ll Know How to:

  • Discover your sweet spot and monetize your passion 
  • Pin-Point your Ideal Client and choose the most lucrative Niche 
  • Craft a Marketing Message that Works for You
  • Create a unique Brand Position to attract clients with ease
  • Design your first Premium Coaching Package and charge your worth
  • Write a professional and unforgettable Sales Page

I know you’re sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and confused.
That feeling stops here. I’m also going to show you how to:

Sell out your signature package and make as much money as you desire without going crazy, draining your energy, or working with too many 1:1 clients.

If you’re reading this it’s because you have a deep desire to leave a lasting legacy and touch hundreds, if not thousands of people as you grow your online business. By just being here and learning this secret you already have the upper-hand when it comes to growing your business.

But, imagine just how big the business will be when you actually leverage and launch your own programs?

While other female coaches are gasping for air and fumbling to stay afloat, you’ll be cruising right along with a long-term plan for growing a sustainable online business.

This program includes:

A Private Membership Site

that’s available to you 24/7 so that you don’t have to wait on anyone when inspiration hits and you’re ready to build + scale your business from the ground up.

Lifetime Access to Your Materials

You’ll refer back to these materials time and again – consider them the bible for creating signature programs.

Four Coaching Videos

where I am going to teach you the ins and outs of finding your most profitable niche, getting clear on how you are going to create your client transformations, and how to package, name, and price your Premium Coaching Package.

A Private Facebook Group

with Access to Carolin  – Hop in anytime and ask me your burning questions. I normally charge $1000 per session for 1:1 coaching, but because you’re signing up for this exclusive offering you’ll get my tailored business advice.

Four complete Coaching Workbooks

to go along with your weekly lessons so that you can take action on what you’re learning and create your irresistible offering with ease.

Unique Online Mastermind

Most online coaches don’t offer a mastermind experience because it’s more lucrative for them to charge upwards of 20k per student for laser focused group coaching. But, I’m not like them. I do business from my heart and I believe that business advice/support should be accessible to everyone who needs it.

Here’s one thing I wish someone had told me years ago “Success only comes to those who take risks to earn it.”

That means you won’t make it to 5k-10k months and beyond if you don’t take risks and believe in yourself or your business.

You deserve so much more than what you’ve been claiming and in just 4 short weeks of Bring Your Passions to Life, here’s what you will be able to do:

  • Create a premium, client-attractive coaching package
  • Charge your worth and hit your income goals
  • Create lasting client transformations with your programs that fly off the shelves
  • Communicate your Program Value like a Pro when you finally discover your ideal clients and what they really want

**I want to be fully transparent and let you know that spots in this program are limited because I truly care. Unlike some of the big name coaches, I show up every day inside our Facebook group to answer any and all questions and support you in both your successes and your challenges.

Wouldn’t you love to scale your business with 1:1 clients so that you can wake up in the morning on your terms, no alarm, and no boss breathing down your neck?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be the envy of all your neighbors who wonder what in the world you do in order to afford this kind of lifestyle?

Wouldn’t you be able to breathe easy and really enjoy life if money weren’t an issue and clients flowed freely?I know you’re curious to know exactly how each part of Bring Your Passions to Life fits together to position you for profits with your premium coaching brand.

Each week for 4 weeks, we will come together for a 90 min training & Q&A session to help you uplevel in your business step by step:

  • Create a premium, client-attractive coaching package
  • Charge your worth and hit your income goals
  • Create lasting client transformations with your programs that fly off the shelves
  • Communicate your Program Value like a Pro when you finally discover your ideal clients and what they really want

Week 1

Discover your Sweet Spot and how to monetize your passion

  • Discover your Sweet Spot and how to monetize your passion
  • Do the inner and outer work to get clear on your Sweet Spot and Passion as a Coach
  • Discover the exact solutions you will provide to achieve extraordinary client transformations
  • Know exactly how to package together your expertise, education, and passion for making a big difference in the world
  • Pinpoint the exact transformation you are going to make with your ideal client

Week 2

Pin-Point your Ideal Client and chose the most lucrative Niche

  • Discover your ideal client Avatar
  • Understand their wants, desires, and pain points
  • Conduct smart market research to pinpoint the most lucrative niche
  • Learn how to leverage your research results to speak your ideal client’s language and captivate them on the spot
  • Uncover the reasons why your ideal client needs to work with you

Week 3

Craft your Marketing Message including a Sales Page that will make you unforgettable!

  • Craft your own Communications library so that you will never have to search for the right words to promote your program ever again
  • Create 3 powerful communication lists to become irresistible to your ideal clients now
  • Understand the core principals of communicating with your prospects
  • Discover the 7 Secrets of Marketing Communication as a Coach
  • Find out how to Hook your Communications for instant results and new clients in your program!

Week 4

Design your first Premium Coaching Package and show up as the go-to expert in your field

  • Design the foundation of your program
  • Create your Uniquely Branded System
  • Design your Coaching Sessions
  • Price your Program ($1000 +)
  • Name your Program
  • Create Your Program Sales Page with copy that converts
  • Implement your Program Support Structures to execute your program like a pro
  • Gain the confidence to work with clients knowing that you have what it takes to achieve head-turning client transformations

5 reviews for Bring your Passion to Life

  1. Amanda Martinez (verified owner)

    The step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow along.

  2. Ryder (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  3. Brandon Carter (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise explanations.

  4. Rachel Fisher (verified owner)

    The interactive elements kept me engaged throughout. Loved it!

  5. Samantha Wright (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the lessons.

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