
Iman Gadzhi – Influencer Ignited

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Iman Gadzhi – Influencer Ignited

Price: $997
Sale Page: iag-media.teachable.com/p/influencer-ignited
Archive: archive.is/M4QeJ


What if your Personal Brand made you a six figure income, enabled you to change the world, and give you the freedom to enjoy your dream life?

Look, I know what you’re thinking…

I’m just a regular person, why would anyone listen to me? No one would watch. No one would follow.

The thing is, they would! So few people are authentically sharing their story online that you’re going to stand out and make your way towards a six figure income from your personal brand in no time.

By now, everyone knows that starting an online business is the way to go!

Except, most people don’t have money to start an online business… except for a personal brand.

You’re reading this on a phone or a computer right now, and that’s everything you need to start a personal brand.

You don’t need expensive software, you don’t need legal papers, you don’t need money for advertising to get started.

All you need is some guidance and direction.


Where you tell yourself that this isn’t possible?

You need to make a change now.

I want you to take a moment and imagine a world where you could…

  • Make passive incomewhile you sleep. Yes! Passive income is real… and it’s a reality that all of my students are living RIGHT NOW.
  • Travel the world, anytime! Yes… that’s right. After this course you will have the location freedom to travel anywhere in the world you want!
  • Build a worldwide following. Whether it be a thousand, hundred-thousand or even a million people… this course will break down how to grow a mass followingworldwide
  • Change the world. Look, I know… this sounds cliche but here’s the thing: With all this money and this tribe that you build… you will actually be able to change the world, in your own way and with your own message!

So How Do You Actually Make Money From Your Personal Brand You Ask?

Well… firstly I want to say that you’ve been lied to.

Most people think this is how you make money as an Influencer:

  • Youtube AdSense
  • Paid Promotions
  • Brand Deals

Wrong! This is the poor man’s game.

I’m going to teach you how to make MORE money than someone with a million followers/subs… with 1% or less of the following.

Here’s how myself and my students make $100,000+ a year from our personal brands:

  • Affiliate Marketing| This is like recommending a pen to someone… and you get 30 cents out of every dollar. Except you never have to have a brand deal. You just click a few links online and now you’re set up as an affiliate. People like Casey Neistat make millions of dollars through affiliate marketing! You need ZERO experience for this
  • Digital Products| A digital product is something like this… where you bundle your knowledge into an online product and you sell it… and make PASSIVE Income! It doesn’t need to be a high ticket course like this. It could be as simple as a $17 eBook… and you can start TODAY!
  • Coaching| We all learn things along our journey. We can coach people and help them along their journey through our knowledge. You DON’T have to be an expert for this… you just need to know a little bit more than the person you’re coaching and that’s enough!
  • Merchandise| Once we start to build up a little bit of an audience, we can release merchandise that we can then sell! Even a following of 5,000 or so, and you’ve got yourself an audience that would love to own a piece of merchandise from you. You just find some stuff online, slap your logo or name on there… and there you go!
  • Events| You can host meet-ups in person where people come and learn from you.. LIVE! Whether that be joining you in the gym for a workout, coming to a masterclass you host, coming to a content creation shoot… you can host live events and people are almost begging to pay money for this!
  • Mastermind Groups| Could you get 100 people in a group online? Sounds pretty easy right… well all you have to get is 100 people paying you only $67 per month to be apart of your private Facebook group Mastermind. That’s $6,700 per month by just sharing your knowledge and expertise online with people


Look guys… Now, I’m going to tell you what my life was like before building a personal brand:

I was the son of a single mom who was literally just trying to scrape by. I wasn’t really the brightest in school. I didn’t really have much going for me but I knew ONE thing.

I would change my life & I would change my mom’s life.

So I started digging and searching, looking for ways to make money. I was only 15-16 and every business opportunity needed money to start or experience…

Two things I DID NOT have…

I was just a young, dumb, broke teenager trying to make a little money.

Then, I found online business. More specifically, I found Personal Branding and how you could make money online from your name.

At first I didn’t believe it… but then I kept digging and digging. I quickly realised how these huge influencers were making MILLIONS online through their personal brand.

So for two years I tested every single growth strategy, I tried every single hack for Instagram, every single trick for Youtube, I tried to make money from my personal brand.

It wasn’t working though… I realised I needed to dig deeper.

So I went straight to the top. I started paying for the most expensive coaches, courses and masterminds. I put myself in debt to learn all this with one belief: My personal brand could give me my dream life.

And I was right…

I’ve made over $200,000 online this year at the age of 17… and next year I’m forecasted to do $500,000+

This journey started off with just a simple wish, to have a little money to take care of my mom…

I never imagined it would turn into this.

‘Why aren’t more people building a personal brand?’

It’s for the same reason that I spent years working with zero results: You’ve been lied to

The big influencers have convinced you that you need to have a huge following to make any money.

You’ve been led to believe that Youtube AdSense and brand deals are how you make the real money.

That ends today, I’m here to tell you the truth.

This video will break down EXACTLY how to make $100,000 from your personal brand in the first year. This is proof this stuff works:

  1. The Foundation:

What are the things that have brought the biggest brands to where they are today? I give you guys the entire breakdown on what makes a multi-million dollar brand

  1. Understanding Growth:

You’ve been lied to about growth… Seriously. In this section I unplug all the false beliefs you currently have about growing on social media

  1. How To Grow on Instagram:

I expose some of the biggest Instagram Influencers and show you exactly how I grow 200-300 real followers a day off of a $10 ad spend

  1. How To Grow on Youtube:

How does growing 100 new subs a day with a $10 ad spend sound? Great… this is what I’ll be showing you in this section along with a bunch of SEO hacks.

  1. How To Grow Your Mailing List:

In this section we look at exactly how to grow your mailing list to 1,000+ in only 10 days! Crazy stuff.

  1. Monetising Your Brand:

This is where things get JUICY. I show you guys exactly the roadmap to make $100,000 in the next 12 months from your Personal Brand.

  1. Affiliate Marketing:

If you don’t want to sell anything right now, this section is how you can quit your job WITHOUT even selling your own products. Life-changing.

  1. Digital Products:

We all get to the stage where we want to share our expertise. With the knowledge you can get from only this section, you’ll be able to change the world AND make passive online income while you’re at it!

  1. Coaching:

This is the easiest, low-risk way to make money online… and I’m going to show you how to make $1,000-10,000 PER MONTH helping other’s along their journey by doing coaching calls, mentorship programs, etc.

  1. How To Scale Past $100,000:

In this last section, I’m going to break down exactly what you need to do to actually scale past the $100,00 mark from your personal brand


Want Bonuses? You got it:

Registering for Influencer Ignited will not only give you access to all ten modules, with video tutorials, transcripts and free mentorship from me, but you’ll also get these bonuses, for free. Including…

Lifetime access and free updates to the course. The course is ALWAYS being updated with the latest strategies and any new video requests are filmed and thrown in there. I gotchu covered!

You’ve got two choices here…

You could keep trying to figure out all this stuff on your own and waste thousands going through the process like I did. Even the smartest of people… this’ll take years.


You could steal my strategies and get MASSIVE results in a matter of weeks

What sounds better to you?

Who this course is for:

Beginners AND Advanced Marketers: I don’t care whether you started your personal brand yesterday or 5 years ago. This course is going to teach you everything you need to know to make six figures within your first year.

People who want to build a Mass-Following: I believe that we’re all on this earth for a reason and that we all bring something to the world. Through the power of the Internet and our personal brands… we can change the world in our own way. It’s time for you to leave your mark.

People who want to give more: The cool thing is, when you make more money… you can give away more money. As your personal brand grows, you change more lives. As you change more lives, you make more money. As you make more money, you can afford to change even more lives! It’s this incredible upwards cycle that we create.

For people who want passive income: I’m a HUGE freak when it comes to building systems and automising things. That’s one of the big focuses of this course. How to automise your content output, your income streams, your admin duties. By the end of it, you’ve got yourself one huge passive income machine!

Who Influencer Ignited is NOT for:

“Get Rich Quick” Wannabes. This course isn’t for people who want things easy. This course is literally a pot of gold. That said, if you don’t put equal amount of work in. You’ll get nowhere. I don’t like lazy people, nor do I respect them.

People who aren’t comfortable sharing their journey. You ARE the brand, so it’s crucial that you share your journey authentically. If you genuinely believe that you couldn’t get in front of a camera or behind a microphone to save your life… don’t buy this course.

Class Curriculum

The Foundation

A Very Warm Welcome! (4:01)

You Are Now A Business (4:26)

How To Build Your Online Personality (9:17)

You Need Top of Mind Awareness (5:16)

Leveraging Social Proof (4:12)

Stop Playing The Poor Man’s Game (3:33)

Youtube, Email or Instagram Live – Daily (5:00)

What Can I Sell? (Interview With My Peak Performance Coach Making $500,000+ A Year) (10:39)

How The Biggest Personal Brands Make Millions of $$$ (5:53)

How To Build Your Value Ladder (I Expose Myself) (10:29)

Understanding Growth

De-Bunkying The Organic Myth (5:30)

My Thoughts On Engagement Groups (3:39)

Three Types of Traffic (4:45)

How To Grow on Instagram

I Expose The Biggest Personal Brands (9:14)

How To Grow To 5,000 Followers (5:17)

$5 Daily Ad Spend = 200-300 New Followers Per Day (12:22)

How To Optimise Instagram Stories + Live (5:09)

How To Blow Up Your Comment’s Section (2:08)

How To Understand Your Audience (5:23)

How To Grow On Youtube

Why You Won’t Grow Your Vlogs (7:41)

How To Rank For Keywords + Long-Tail Keywords (8:40)

How To Systemise Your Content Output (7:39)

$5 Daily Ad Spend = 100 New Subs Per Day (13:29)

How To Grow Your Mailing List

Simple Email Opt-In (10:12)

Lead Gen Magnet (Simple) (5:23)

Lead Gen Magnet (Paid Traffic) (10:51)

Monetising Your Brand

Road Map To $100,000 In 1 Year (16:55)

How To Find Your Buyers List (4:58)

Daily Emails = Daily Profit (7:03)

Instagram Story Marketing (5:00)

Affiliate Marketing

What Is Affiliate Marketing? (8:44)

How To Find Affiliate Programs (13:27)

Email Money – Passive & Automised (5:19)

The Power of a Facebook Group (6:32)

Passive Youtube Money (3:25)

How To Structure Youtube For Affiliates Sales (5:15)

Digital Products

How To Release Your IFO In 3-4 Hours (9:33)

How To Release Your First Digital Product (12:35)

How To Make $1,000 Minimum off Your First Digital Product (Guaranteed) (10:30)


How To Set Up Your Coaching Business (11:41)

How I Made $10,000 From 6 Calls (10:10)

How To Close 90% of Coaching Leads (10:51)

Scaling Your Brand Past $100,000

In This For The Long Run… (7:28)

1 + 1 = 7 (Power of Collaboration) (8:51)

You Have All The Knowledge You Need (5:27)

5 reviews for Iman Gadzhi – Influencer Ignited

  1. Paul (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.

  2. Joshua Collins (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

  3. Zachary Cook (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my abilities after taking this course.

  4. Megan Anderson (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and easy to understand.

  5. Laura Moore (verified owner)

    A must-have for anyone serious about learning this topic.

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