Jon Benson – The Upsell Profit Formula (Upsell Domination)
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Jon Benson – The Upsell Profit Formula (Upsell Domination)
Price: $197
Sale Page: sellerator.com/upsellformula/
Archive: archive.is/OrQ5H
Why Your Customers Want To Spend More Money
With You… And Will Do So Almost Robotically
When You Follow This Simple Formula
Dear Insider,
Every smart marketer knows the difference between “making it” and being truly wealthy online is all about your back end:
Offering irresistible add-on goodies to hungry buyers who have already leaped over the initial buying hurdle.
The truth is: all the REAL magic happens IMMEDIATELY AFTER that first initial sale you close.
Now, here’s what you may not be aware of:
The top marketers on the planet make the majority of their revenue after their first sale is made.
Think of it this way:
Your “silver” is made on your initial sale.
True gold is struck in the precious moments AFTER.
So, how do you tap into this hidden goldmine?
First, you must avoid the biggest marketing pitfall of all time:
The “Buyer’s Myth” May Be Holding You Back
From The Revenue You Deserve
Great marketers ignore what I call “The Buyer’s Myth.”
The Buyer’s Myth is the false belief that your customer doesn’t want to be “bothered” by additional offerings.
These marketers mistakenly believe that they have to coax a sale and really convince their customers to buy…
… and after they DO finally buy, they mistakenly assume that their customer is barely sold…
… a nervous deer in the headlights, ready to bolt at the sight of another offer.
They are horribly afraid to offer their customers more, simply from a false fear of offending them.
In reality, you have already overcome the biggest obstacle there is:
You’ve successfully crushed your prospect’s natural state of skepticism and closed the first of what really SHOULD be many, many sales.
You’ve conquered their doubt.
You’ve convinced them to trust you.
You’ve set them up to be EVEN MORE CURIOUS about who you are and what you can offer them.
In short, the HARD part is done.
Yet, the hard part is not the profitable part.
The secret to increasing your back end sales and experiencing REAL PROFITS is found immediately after your customer has just bought from you…
During those fleeting moments when they are already primed to buy.
The fact is that your customers really want to buy more from you…
IF, and only if, you make them THE IDEAL OFFER.
And the key to mining that golden offer, time and time again, is found within…
The 3 Cs Of Continual Selling:
How Stealth Marketing Geniuses
Get Their Customers To Keep Saying YES
And Turbocharge Their Post-Sale Profits
It all began back in the early 1940s.
The original Ad Men from Madison Avenue set up the first call centers.
A customer would call in and order a simple pocket knife.
They would walk away with a full set of camping gear, a survival kit, and decked out in camouflage from head to toe.
A $7 purchase quickly turned into a $200 spending spree.
These exact same tactics are secretly being used by today’s marketing elite.
I call these tactics The 3 C’s Of Continual Selling.
Savvy marketers all realize that the first sale is merely foreplay.
The real action begins immediately after the sale by following The 3 Cs:
— Congratulate your customer on their purchase decision;
— Compliment your customer by rewarding their action;
— Compel your customer to accelerate their success.
— Compliment your customer by rewarding their action;
— Compel your customer to accelerate their success.
The 3 C’s are the absolute KEY to upselling: making sales AFTER the first sale.
The Result?
Happier Customers That Give You Double Or
Triple Your Asking Price Instantly
The 3 Cs can make you wonder if there’s any end to the customer clicking your “Add To Cart” button…
Often persuading click-happy buyers into spending anywhere from 50% to 300% or more with you from your initial sale.
Now, there IS some bad news:
Most marketers not only fall for The Buyer’s Myth…
They accidently create massive refunds from using poorly-designed up sell paths.
Yep, that sales copy that sounded so good in your head actually turns your customer AGAINST YOU unless you understand the power of The 3 Cs.
Your up sell sales copy must be precise. Strategic. Laser-targeted.
You can’t simply guess and “hope” to get this right.
And your up sell products or services must be created with the 3 Cs in mind as well…
Enhancing your initial sale rather than competing against it.
The truth is, very few marketers know how to pull this off, let alone make it work like clockwork, every time.
THE GOOD NEWS is that I’ve done the hard part for you.
And, I’ve developed the single most effective up sell methods ever created to absolutely maximize your profits…
Introducing The Up Sell Profit Formula™:
The Time-Tested Blueprint Designed To
Massively Increase Your Revenue
Within MINUTES After Your First Sale!
The Up Sell Profit Formula has already generated over $10 Million Dollars that I know of in additional sales for marketers just like you…
And that’s just from the marketers who have shared their results from me. I can’t even begin to count the additional millions not disclosed.
The money your customers want to spend with you… the cash you’re not collecting…
… is just money left out on the table for others to pick up and spend.
How ridiculous is that?
You have customers who literally WANT to whip out their pocketbooks and give you their credit card AGAIN…
… and you’re stuck, imagining that invisible cash right now, just sinking into the pockets of your competition.
“WAIT… Did You Say Over $10M Dollars?”
Yes, I did.
That’s a lot of cash that other marketers have gleefully taken off that table and stuffed into their own pockets…
And the really incredible thing is:
Their customers LOVE THEM FOR IT.
They’ll love you too, because true added value is always a desire, and most marketers leave it unfulfilled.
Just imagine going in to buy a car, and the salesman NOT offering you the color you want, different wheels, leather versus cloth interior…
Hell, you wouldn’t feel GOOD about that transaction (especially if you saw the same car later with all those added features)…
You’d feel ripped off!
Get over The Buyer’s Myth, and learn the secrets of Ethical Up Sell Persusasion so you too can add more RAVING FANS to your customer base!
Why Does This Work So Well Virtually All The Time?
Because I have scaled the mountains of online success and waded through the valleys of campaign failure so you don’t have to.
Anyone with an ethical bone in their body will level with you: true success comes only after failure is greeted with open arms.
Few marketers can afford to fail in order to succeed, and most don’t want to.
I understand… I didn’t want to either.
However, only through the fires of failure can success be forged.
The Up Sell Profit Formula has been through the swordsmith’s furnace time and time again, and today, she is a razor-sharp persuasion weapon.
And now, this battle-tested Formula is being handed TO YOU…
A turn-to resource that allows you to master the subtle art of upsell persuasion!
Here’s What Comes Inside Your
Up Sell Profit Formula System Today:
1. The “Under Lock and Key” Up Sell Blueprint That I’ve Kept Closely Guarded For Years!
Believe it or not, The Up Sell Profit Formula began with a simple Word document many years ago.
Unknown to me at the time, that silly little 7-page outline became a multi-million dollar marketer’s blueprint:
One that has been coveted by outsiders.
Until recently, I’ve kept this kept under cyber lock and key, away from the prying eyes of all but my closest friends, biggest supporters, and a few marketing superstars.
However, YOU will get that treasure map outline for yourself within seconds after ordering today.
And more than that…
2. My “Destroy Delay” Sales Training Video That Targets Every Single Paragraph Of Your Up Sell Script With Sniper-Like Precision!
Not too long ago here in my home in Malibu, California, some of the top copywriters and marketers around whipped out their wallets, paid me $20,000.00 each.
In part, it was to take my Up Sell Profit Formula “buried treasure” document and decipher it in even greater detail…
To break it all down into such easy-to-follow chunks that your average 5th-grader could whip out a winning up sell in a matter of hours…
To expose the hidden profit-grabbing hooks and phrases from that original blueprint, and lay it bare for all to see.
Fortunately for you, we captured it all, and condensed the raw selling power awesomeness that sprang forth into one succinct video.
This behind-the-doors Up Sell “Destroy Delay” Training Video contains my trademarked 20 Simple Segments that, when combined in the proper order, create the perfect upsell.
Think of it this way:
It wasn’t just the steel that made the legendary Katana blades of old a possession to be coveted by all…
It was the sequence in which the metals were heated, folded and forged that created the magic.
However, I still wasn’t satisfied with with this level of insider info… or even with the $10M in added sales The Up Sell Profit Formula has ALREADY handed over to marketers like you.
I’m hard to satisfy, what can I say?
That’s why I’ve decided to make your investment today even sweeter by including…
3. The Replay and Transcripts For The Upcoming Up Sell Domination Workshop!
That’s right, we’re talking total up sell DOMINATION.
Even if you didn’t get the private invitation to join me LIVE on February 25th at 11AM Pacific Time (1PM Central, 2PM Eastern Time)…
…where together we will cover how you can create the most “I Just HAVE To Have This!” up sell sequence EVER…
… you will get the replay and, within a few days after, the transcript!
You already have far more than you will ever need to make all of your upsells a financial success with The Up Sell Profit Formula as-is…
However, “enough” just isn’t good enough for me… or you.
That’s why The Up Sell Domination Workshop will reveal:
• The exact strategies for creating your IDEAL up sell funnel…
• 3 sure-fire upsell angles PROVEN to work time and time again…
• The 1 thing that kills upsells dead, and how to avoid it…
• My Samurai Sales Formula used to craft your every upsell…
• The power of “The Samurai Flow” and how it will make you feel as if your up sell copy practically wrote itself…
• And so much more!
• 3 sure-fire upsell angles PROVEN to work time and time again…
• The 1 thing that kills upsells dead, and how to avoid it…
• My Samurai Sales Formula used to craft your every upsell…
• The power of “The Samurai Flow” and how it will make you feel as if your up sell copy practically wrote itself…
• And so much more!
Why I’m Selling This To You Today
At Such An Insulting Price
I’m about to take my right hand and slap myself in the face.
You’ll see why in a moment.
I plan to break up The Up Sell Profit Formula into a multi-module course…
And (gasp) pretty it up for mass consumption.
And when I do, the price will start at $297 for the first 100 copies and then $497-$997 for everyone else.
And friend, $997 is a freaking insult to me, and to The Up Sell Profit Formula.
The question is WHY?
Why would I ever DREAM of letting you get your hands on The Up Sell Formula for such a piddly amount of money?
After considering these 3 reasons, I decided an insult to me was better than an injury to you: the very real possibility of you missing out on doubling, even tripling your revenue.
Here are my reasons. See if this makes sense to you…
Some marketers really are caught up in “pretty”.
Personally, I think pretty IS USELESS… unless we’re talking about fine art, my wife, or a custom guitar.
Sure, pretty products sell to the sheeple. I get that.
However, when it comes to marketing, “pretty” doesn’t close the deal.
I’ve made millions (and helped make marketers BILLIONS) by creating the “ugly” VSL, so I know a thing or two about the power of butt-ugly.
And right now, The Up Sell Profit Formula is as raw as an open wound in a sandstorm.
So today, you won’t be receiving some dolled-up high-production video, or a “prettified” document that alters my original money blueprint.
Nope: you get the original ugly-ass PDF document, along with the Up Sell Formula Training Video shot live in front of 20 eager copywriting studs.
Oh… I’ll also toss in the transcript for good measure.
Nothing fancy…just LETHAL when it comes to closing the deal.
So if you want pretty, go somewhere else.
If you want to be more wealthy, stick around.
Up Sell Domination was offered only to Ryan Deiss’ peeps at Traffic & Conversions in February 2015.
However, just in case you didn’t get that invite, I’m going to make sure you get the recording of it plus a transcript. Some reading this will be attending live, but others aren’t so lucky. So, I slashed the price even further for you guys.
I think that’s beyond fair… and that’s probably because…
My wife Andréa swears that I suffer from Over-Delivery Syndrome:
And it’s true: I really do try to give far more than I receive.
That leads to some insane working hours, and even physical breakdowns. For example, I recently did a free webinar right before going to the hospital for emergency knee surgery. How’s that for a reason to commit me?
It’s just the way I roll.
Sure, I charge premium prices for my products when I sell them to the masses.
You should, too.
There’s a damn good reason Ferraris never go on sale.
However, this is a Ferrari in need of a paint job… and you are helping me strip it down and give it a hot new coat of MONEY GREEN.
That makes it only fair to give you a whopping discount:
Only $197 for the entire Up Sell Profit Formula System.
And just to be clear, that includes:
1. The Original Un-Edited Ugly-ass “Treasure Map” File That’s Made Over $10M And Counting…
2. The Once-Private, $20,000-Per-Head Samurai Sales Training Where The Up Sell Formula Was Put To Video (And Put On Steroids)….
3. The Transcripts From That One-Time-Only Private Affair, Including Questions And Answers From The Copywriting Community…
4. PLUS The Upcoming Up Sell Domination Workshop (either Live or Replay) PLUS the transcript!
And yes: YOU get it all for the INSULTING (to me) price of just $197.
PLUS: An Even More Insulting Guarantee
Sure, I’ll take your risk by the horns for you… and do it for 30 days.
I’ll let you test drive the Ferrari of up sell persuasion… and unlike that fine Italian automobile, you can return this monster if you can’t handle it.
Hey, it happens.
Some folks are too “busy” to implement, test, and cash in.
Some people fear success.
Some are just freakin’ lazy.
If that’s you, then I really don’t feel sorry for you…
However, I’ll STILL let you take The Up Sell Profit Formula for a spin for 30 wild and crazy days on my dime.
If this doesn’t help you earn more from your back-end sales, hit me up for a full and courteous refund.
I only want your money if I can make you MULTIPLES MORE.
What Will Your Future Hold?
Right now, you have a choice to make.
Even if two out of the three options available to you are downright stupid, the choice is still yours.
Choice 1: You can go at it alone, and continue on the same path you’re on today.
Since you’re reading this sentence, I can guarantee you that path is sucking the life out of your sales.
However, a mediocre income appeals to some people for some strange reason. So that’s a path you can take.
Choice 2 is to take my 3 Cs and attempt to figure it all out on your own.
And sure, you may get really lucky after a few tries… or a few dozen… and finally get it right.
Now, we both know time is money, so if you have enough of both to waste, that’s an option as well.
Or you can take Choice 3… and make the smart and sane decision today:
Get real with yourself.
Realize I’ve already DONE the heavy lifting for you.
And give The Up Sell Formula a shot.
Do that, and your sales are literally guaranteed to increase.
If they don’t for any reason, your test drive costs you nothing.
You know, when your sales increase, everything good in your life gets even BETTER:
Your relationships improve thanks to the removal of financial stress and strain…
Your business partnerships flourish because you’re making your affiliates EVEN MORE CASH from every visitor they send to your website…
Your traffic become far more profitable (everyone knows that the back end is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in creating a cold-traffic conversion KILLER)…
And you have more time to yourself.
Sarah Brown (verified owner) –
The course was very informative and well-structured.
Vanessa Hayes (verified owner) –
The examples provided were very helpful in understanding the concepts.
John (verified owner) –
I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!
Jessica Jones (verified owner) –
I feel more confident in my abilities after taking this course.