Jonny Nastor – Hack the Entrepreneur
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Jonny Nastor – Hack the Entrepreneur – 1,000 Maniacs: Complete Training Course
Price: $297
Sale Page: hacktheentrepreneur.com/1000-maniacs-course-x/?ref=1
Archive: archive.is/CruD7
It’s YOUR Time to Build a List of 1,000 Subscribers, Then Sell Them a Cash-Generating Product They Want to Buy . . . In the Next 90 Days
Follow This Proven Path and Build Your Own Audience of Raving, Ready-to-Buy Fans
John (X) here . . .
I’ve been building lists, creating products and selling them for 18 years. The lists I’ve built have given me a lifestyle many dream of. Because of these list building systems my business grows and generates income while I’m doing other things.
I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’ve partnered with Jon Nastor who has built up a huge following that’s growing. He’s written an Amazon best-seller by the same title as his podcast: Hack the Entrepreneur. He can boast of 1.9 MILLION downloads and counting.
We both saw an opportunity to create something of value, together. Jonny has an audience, outside of the “Internet marketing” niche and I have 18 years of experience doing the two things his audience wants and needs – list building and product creation.
In this course, we’ve combined our expertise. Jonny has done a masterful job of connecting with some big industry players – he writes for Copyblogger and Entrepreneur Magazine. He’s interviewed biggies like Oren Klaff, Brian Tracey and Seth Godin.
We’re here to help you achieve similar results. No hype, no nonsense. Just proven strategies to help you make it happen. And it’s presented in a step-by-step format that makes it “fill-in-the-blank” easy.
To kick off this launch we’re making you a special offer. We’re included a $200 discount (we’ve sold this for $497), plus some special bonuses.
AND! Exclusively for my list members only . . . I am also going to bonus you complete access to my own Business Builder program that sells for $297. You’re going to walk away with over $1000 worth of value for only $297 – but this is a time-limited offer that expires Tuesday, June 7.
Now, meet Jonny! . . .
You probably know me from my Hack the Entrepreneur podcast, which has been downloaded over 1.9 million times and counting.
Or maybe you know me from my best-selling Hack the Entrepreneur book. We’re headed towards 10,000 copies sold.
When I write these things I admit I’m . . . I feel like I’m bragging, and I’m not. I’m amazed. I’m so amazed I have to share my story with you because I absolutely believe you can do what I’ve done.
I live in the cold, harsh climate of Northern Ontario, Canada. It’s home. It’s the place I love.
When I was trying to find my way I used to think geography was my problem, that I needed to live in San Diego or New York to enter the world of the ‘internet cool kids’ — you know the one’s that get all the attention, travel the world, and work on endless cool projects.
But here’s the thing I’ve learned, first-hand. You can start from anywhere, with nothing, and make this work.
Less than two years ago I had fewer than 150 Twitter followers. I had no email list. I’d built other successful businesses but I was looking for a new challenge. That’s when I decided to launch an interview-based podcast even though I’d never interviewed anyone … in my life.
18 months later listeners in over 150 countries listen to the Hack the Entrepreneur podcast, which have generated over $35,000 in sponsorships and over $100,000 in product sales.
But here’s the thing that excites me most . . .
I was so busy building my podcast I neglected something I know to be critical to every business: List building — the life-blood of every business.
I put a few simple systems in place and in no time I have a list of thousands now reading my weekly email newsletter. Those same people enabled me to launch my first book — and they turned it into an Amazon bestseller within 24 hours.
The question is – how can you get more of them to join your list?
If you know without a doubt that you’re not attracting as many qualified readers as you should . . .
Or that your current list building approach feels more haphazard and frustrating than calculated and exhilarating . . .
Or, the subscribers you do have aren’t responding the way you want?!
Then keep reading!
Love your story Jon, but I’m nowhere near where you are yet.
No, you aren’t. And you should be thankful for that. It was a ton of work and really hard to do … but I did it. I did it because I was tired.
I did it because I was tired. Tired of not having a voice. tired of not making an impact. Tired of nobody knowing who I was.
So I built a system that works.
And it will work for you too.
I am now honored to have an inbox that is overflowing. From listeners and readers that have been impacted by my work. Every single email makes all of the hard work worth it.
As I sorted through and responded to these questions, I started to notice a pattern and a lot of recurring questions. These may have been similar to questions you have about building an audience and finding your true fans.
This is why I created 1,000 Maniacs — to answer these questions and help you build your very own platform.
This is a Step By Step Course
1,000 Maniacs is where I will show you exactly how I went from 0 – 1,000 email subscribers, and how to sell your first product that can make you more than $1,000.
You will get to work directly with me during our twice-monthly Q&A webinars.
1,000 Maniacs will teach you everything you need to know about setting up an email list, autoresponders (what to send and when), developing a relationship with your list, and finding out what they want to buy from you.
#1 How and where can I find more Maniacs?
Let me answer your question with a question: Have you ever printed business cards and left them on a counter or pinned them to a store’s bulletin board in hopes of getting business?
Yeah, me too. Those days are behind us, trust me.
I am not going to tell you to go and hang out in forums and pretend to give a shit about the conversation when all you need right now are customers. I respect you and my reputation much more than that.
The system I am going to teach you works. Not by going out and ‘attracting’ or ‘finding’ everyone, but instead you are going to go out and REPEL everyone who doesn’t understand you and your business. Remember, we don’t need everyone, we only need 1,000 Maniacs to change our lives.
#2 What do I send to my subscribers (and how often)?
Here’s an idea: send them what they asked for and do that as often as you said you would. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Obvious, yes. Common, no.
We only want an email list for one simple reason, to build relationships with our audience. There is no need to overthink and overcomplicate this.
It is like any other relationship you have in real life. If you want to stay friends with someone, you stay in contact with them, share stories, be vulnerable, and quite simply give a shit about more than just your feelings.
Once you’ve grasped this, the rest becomes simple.
There is no other way to do it. You cannot get to 0 — 1,000 without passing between 3, 14, 73, 246, and 741.
Everyone starts with no audience. The sad truth is most stay there and never get to experience a life of doing work that matters, travelling the world, and waking up excited to get back to work.
And even if you’re not just getting started, the 1,000 Maniacs process for attraction, engagement, and retention will help you grow your list faster – much faster.
Give people what they want and need, and not what we think they want or need. I’ve developed a process where everything is built upon what the customer asks for.
This must be the part where I tell you to ASK your list what they want?! Oh geez, I hope not.
Is it useless to ASK my audience what they want?
Well, I won’t go that far. But ASKING is not what will take you deeper with your audience. In fact, the only way is the basis of every strong relationship we have — it is the act of listening.
In fact, the only way do this is the basis of every strong relationship we have — the act of listening.
When we ask questions and listen to our audience we learn about their struggles, fears, doubts, goals, and ambitions. Once you know this, you will simply be able to provide the utmost value to your audience and future customers.
Ask, yes. But listen, always.
Begin with the end in mind. Every piece of content we create needs to be made with a specific goal in mind for the consumer.
Your audience to be educated, entertained, or inspired with everything you create. This will allow them to seek and find true value in your work. This value creates trust. Trust builds authority. And Authority ends with leadership in your market.
Don’t worry, I’ve boiled this down to a step-by-step process.
At one point we were in the same boat. I didn’t go to school for this and I don’t expect you to know what to do.
I acquired this knowledge through a lot of trial, error, sweat and tears. My goal is to help you avoid the tears.
I’m not here to tell you this isn’t going to be a lot of work. It is. But it’s work that matters. It’s work that’s worth doing – for you, your family and the “Maniacs” you’re going to serve.
Now, you can follow my step by step path or you can try to do it alone. You can hit the pavement and wear out your favorite shoes. Or, you can join me and a like-minded community.
I am here to support you – you don’t have to do this alone.
Module one will acquaint you with the “Roadmap” – the proven step-by-step process we use to go from scratch to a growing list to creating the products people want to buy.
Most content marketers make a critical mistake that sabotages the value of their efforts. We introduce the critical distinguish “wide” vs. “deep” and how this will make your content exponentially more effective.
You’ll define your “Audience of One” and connect with the ideal customer. Quality over quantity.
Where are your maniacs? You’re about to find them! We’re almost ready to start creating the compelling content that brings people in, but first, we’re going to define a our strategy.
We’ll help you identify opportunities in your market to establish maximum leverage.
At this stage we’re going to walk you through establishing a goal for your first funnel, brainstorming ideas for a compelling lead magnet, creating the lead magnet (in about two hours), setting up your landing page and creating a 5-message email sequence to get you started.
We will walk you through how to develop a weekly publishing schedule that encourages interaction with your maniacs.
Consistent and constant contact (done the right way) will enable you to escalate the relationship you’re building with your subscribers to the “maniac” level.
A step by step walkthrough of the revolutionary Tiny Product creation system. We begin by showing you exactly how we get our subscribers to tell us exactly what they want and need, and then creating your first product faster than you might think possible.
Is there anything worse that staring a blank screen while you try and come up with an offer that your Maniacs will love? With Tiny Sales Letter this will never happen to you again. The template system will have your next sales page up in no time — and it will be more effective than 96.4% of all sales letters on the internets.
The template system will have your next sales page up in no time — and it will be more effective than 96.4% of all sales letters on the internet.
The end is really the beginning. Once you have these critical core pieces in place then you’ve entered the game and momentum begins. You now have your first evergreen funnel in place! It’s time to build the momentum.
This is a step-by-step course where I will walk you through every step of the way.
So, you get all 6 killer modules …
David Williams (verified owner) –
I was impressed by the quality of the content. Well done!
Dylan (verified owner) –
A fantastic resource for beginners. Easy to follow and very informative.
Kyle Perry (verified owner) –
The course was very informative and well-structured.
Adam Rogers (verified owner) –
The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.