
Monica Main – DPS 2-Day Office Training

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Monica Main – DPS 2-Day Office Training

Price:  $447
Sale Page: www.monicamain.com/distribution_2_day_in_office_training
Archive:  archive.is/w9tVY

The FIRST EVER (and LAST) Opportunity for a One-on-One Hands-On Personal Training with Monica Main in Her Office for 2 Solid Days!  If You Missed It, Now You Can Get the Videos and See Everything That Happened As If You Were a “Fly on the Wall”!

Secrets of How YOU Can Build Your Multi-Million Dollar Distribution Business…Revealed!

The 2 Day Event on Video That Can Change Your Life!

It’s NOT Enough to Simply “Understand” How to Build and Run a Wholesale Distribution Business.  Reality is…Unless You Sit Your Ass Down and Learn the Exact Steps (Especially the Small Steps), You Will Have Too Many Missing Pieces to Make Your Business Work!  This is the Reason I Did This INTENSIVE 2-Day Training in My Office in February 2014.  This is the Event that Goes STEP-BY-STEP in EXACTLY What You Need to Do to Start and Succeed in a Multi-Million-Dollar Distribution Business…Including Starting a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL Online Business!  It Was All Covered at My 2-Day Event!

Dear Entrepreneur,

It’s easy to sit back and read a book or attend a seminar event to “gather information” about working a business.  This allows you the opportunity to figure out if a certain business, investment, or opportunity truly fits your desires and lifestyle that you are aiming to attain.

But what happens after your highly motivated to go forth and do something but you end up stopping yourself cold in your tracks because of (1) fear, (2) feeling that you’re not quite educated enough, or (3) in the “information paralysis” mode where you don’t know what to do first?

Well, I’ll tell you what happens at that point.  Nothing.  Exactly nothing!

In the Business of Creating a Product for Nationwide (and Possibly Worldwide) Distribution, Is It Worth the Risk to Make Even a “Small” Mistake…Such as Choosing the Wrong Product Type, Naming Your Product Wrong, or Creating Crappy Packaging that is a Put-Off to End-Users, Retail Buyers, and Wholesalers??

I’m lucky because I’ve always been good at marketing.  It’s come natural to me from Day One it seems.  And yes, I spent decades on my “learning curve” to fully develop my “natural” ability for copywriting and marketing.  But the reality is, most people simply don’t have the skill set I have in the marketing department.  Unfortunately, this is what’s absolutely CRITICAL when it comes to the Distribution Profit System.

Here’s the critical groundwork needed to create and sell a multi-million dollar “hit” product:

  1. You need a kick-ass product concept.  Unfortunately, what a lot of people think is a kick-ass “whiz-bang” product is sometimes something that absolutely nobody will buy.  I had someone once suggest selling breathalyzers to bar owners so they can bug their patrons to do a test before they leave…stupid idea.  No bar owner will scare their customers that way!  What YOU may think is a great idea may not be in reality.  So, your job will be to bring 3 – 5 product concepts to me for this training and we will sort through all of them and choose the one that will bring you the most dollars…or we’ll develop something that you may never have thought of before showing up to the training!  Regardless, you’ll be leaving the 2-day hands-on training with a product that will be worth millions of dollars to you in the distribution network.  Guaranteed!
  1. You also need a kick-ass product name.  It’s not enough to just have a product that is potentially worth millions of dollars in the distribution network.  You need a catchy kick-ass name.  And I’m the product naming queen!  Once your product is established, we will choose a name, do a trademark search in your designated category, secure your domain with GoDaddy.com and you will be well on your way to creating your multi-million dollar product brand.  An excellent name is critical to your product being set apart from other competition on store shelves.  Naming a product is tricky because it MUST accomplish 3 things: (1) Be part of the “sales pitch,” (2) must somewhat describe the product, and (3) must instantly capture curiosity and interest of a prospective buyer.  This is all essential to making millions in product distribution.
  1. You need to have kick-ass product packaging.  This acts as your product marketing “billboard” that has literally a FRACTION OF A SECOND to capture the attention and interest of a prospective end-buyer.  This is the part you absolutely cannot screw up on!  You can have a product that’s popular and already successful out in the marketplace and you can possibly even survive with a mediocre product name.  But the part you CANNOT mess up is how your product is packaged.  This is what we’ll be working on in the 2-day training.  And whatever you don’t finish, I’ll finish for you!
  1. You need a tailor-made plan for your specific product.  This tailor-made plan will include how to find suppliers and what your price point needs to be.  You’ll also have a complete plan on how to find and sell to your product-specific categorized product to retailers, wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, and independents in the distribution network.  Finding suppliers is easy.  You’ll start open lines of communication with your prospective suppliers during the 2-day event.  You’ll understand at what price you’ll have to get each unit for so you have a price-point negotiation strategy.  By the time you leave, you’ll know everything that you’ll have to do in a step-by-step plan that you can implement the moment you go home!

When I Got Into the Business of Distribution, I Blindly Fell Into the Business and the ONLY Thing Responsible for Us Seeing ANY Type of Success Was Our Package Design!

I “should” have known a lot more about the distribution business before we jumped in but I didn’t.  Why?  Because there are no educational materials out there to give people the direction required to be successful in this business EXCEPT for my Distribution Profit System Courseand my Distribution Profit Boot Camp Seminar.  So, when I say I “should” have known more…I should have, except that there wasn’t the right information out there and I was literally forced to “feel my way around” the business one step at a time by pure trial and error.

Our product would have been a dismal failure if I didn’t create the right product design.  As for the product itself…to be honest, I would have chosen a different product right out of the gates knowing what I know now even though it happened to be a success.

And the ONLY reason it happened to turn into a success was the package design.  It wasn’t really the product selection or even the product name.  I mean…Bull Thunder?  It “passes” some of the kick-ass naming checkpoints including (and especially) piquing interest.  But otherwise it’s not really a “great” name; it could have been much better for sure.

What is responsible for our success that we have today is the package design.  I was smart enough to know off the bat that the product was its own marketing billboard.  It had to be bright, attention-getting, and had to quickly explain what it was including the benefits within the shortest amount of time possible.

This is one part – the most essential part – of this process that you absolutely CANNOT screw up!  Screw this up and you screw up your potential of hitting your product out of the ballpark!

How I Discovered a BRAND NEW Marketing Method LAST MONTH for the Easiest, Cheapest, and Most Effective Marketing Method to Sell Your Products to Nationwide Wholesalers…And I Talk About It for the FIRST TIME EVER at This 2-Day Training Event!

            Just last month I discovered a BRAND NEW method to market to wholesalers (who will ultimately get your product to retail stores) nationwide that DOESN’T include direct mail, trade shows, or any other ridiculously expensive (and ineffective) way to get wholesalers to take your product.  In fact, the system I recently discovered is actually the easiest, cheapest, and most effective marketing method to sell to wholesalers that there is!

 Why didn’t I present this at my Distribution Profit Boot Camp Seminar?

It’s because I just discovered this powerful secret marketing method in January 2014!

If you want to grow your distribution business LIKE WILDFIRE then it’s REQUIRED that you discover and use this incredible and highly profitable marketing method to use for any type of wholesaler that handles retail store locations from mom-and-pop to chain stores!

You’ll Discover ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING There is to Know — From Product Choice to Naming Your Product to Wholesale Distribution Marketing to ALL of the Legal Requirements Needed — That You Need to Know in a Step-by-Step Way That’s NEVER Been Presented Before!

            Reality is…you can’t screw up a single step when it comes to being successful in the distribution business.

You have to:

    1)  Choose a retail marketing channel.

            2)  Choose a product.

            3)  Choose a product name.

            4)  Do trademark research.

            5)  Find your price points.

            6)  Find a manufacturer.

            7)  Design your packaging.

            8)  Have your product made.

            9)  Use my “secret marketing weapon” to reach out to wholesalers.

            10)  Make a lot of money…and fast!

You’ll discover how to do ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS MORE as quickly as possible to start enjoying your massive piles of money from profits you’ll be making in your wholesale distribution business!  AND you’ll be able to completely avoid all of the mistakes I made when I got started!

My “Top 5” Things I Did WRONG in This Business…And How You Can Completely Avoid Them Altogether!

The fastest way for someone to be taken out in this business is, unfortunately, at the very beginning when they are first starting out.  Resources tend to be very tight and there is no room for error.  However, I will tell you from experience that if you get the product selection, naming and design correct, your chances for success are 90%.  (The remaining 10% comes from contacting distributors and presenting your product to wholesalers which I talk about for the first time using a “no budget” and highly effective method for doing this.)

My point:  If you don’t plan on ironing out the small details of your product from the start, carefully consider whether you truly want to be involved in this business or not.  Doing these things correctly from the start will pretty much pave your way to a huge fortune.  Not doing them will cause instant failure before you begin.  The choice is yours.

I talk, at great length, the TOP 5 THINGS that I did WRONG in this business that lost me A LOT of money…and how you can COMPLETELY AVOID these mistakes altogether.  USE MY EXPERIENCES TO GET RICH!

Unfortunately, it’s not all about what you can get right in the business.  It’s also about AVOIDING what you can do wrong because one wrong move — despite everything you do right — can completely take you out of business virtually overnight.  Not only will you be discovering everything you need to do right — step-by-step — but you’ll discover what you can do wrong and how to avoid it!

But…Perhaps One of the Most Significant Money-Making Secrets I Introduced in This 2-Day Event:  How to Make a KILLING with a BRAND NEW Offline-to-Online Marketing Concept That Allows You to Make ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY You Want…And This Secret Was “Spilled” Before I Could Present It at My March 2014 Event in Los Angeles!

Do you want to be “clued in” on a secret that can be worth AS MUCH AS YOU WANT TO MAKE with a new offline-to-online marketing strategy I just stumbled on over the past couple of months?

I decided to do a “test run” on a presentation that I began preparing for my March 2014 Boot Camp Event in Los Angeles…and I used my handful of audience members/attendees at this 2-day in-office training event to show this presentation to.

Little did I know…this presentation got everyone soooooo excited about the highly profitable (and yet easy to do) money-making strategy that they all demanded I send them this special “money spreadsheet” after the event was over.  The following week after the training was over, I did send everyone this “money spreadsheet” because, even when I look at it now, it’s so incredibly extraordinary that it actually gives me the chills.


Because you can literally “choose” how much money you want to make.

Take a look at a portion of this spreadsheet that literally shows you how much you can make using this powerful and highly profitable offline-to-online marketing method:

As you can see, based on the information plugged in, this marketing campaign will make me $5,325 ON THE VERY LOW END to $16,200 on the “average” HIGHER END.  This is PURE PROFIT IN YOUR POCKET…after all expenses have been paid on this campaign!  If you do one campaign per week, you stand to make a “middle average” of $10,763 IN YOUR POCKET PER WEEK!

But you have to understand how to do it…and you’ll discover ALL of these money strategies on DAY 2 of my in-office training!

The “money spreadsheet” you’ll receive will show you all the other details but you have to watch the 2-day training to see how to use this powerful spreadsheet.  Again, all of this is presented on DAY 2 of the training event…and it’ll blow your mind!  In fact, this is such powerful yet super easy to do that all of my students in the training wanted to do this in addition to their distribution business.

Just to be clear, this offline-to-online marketing method is actually SEPARATE from the distribution business and is a powerful Aggressive Income Strategy you could easily do from home starting with only a few hundred dollars!

If You Couldn’t Afford to Attend the 2-Day Training, You Can Still “Attend” by Getting the Complete Video Set

I had Jesse, my videographer, tape the entire 2-day event.  Even if you couldn’t attend, you can get this complete video set PLUS some additional class materials all on CD/DVD!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

4 reviews for Monica Main – DPS 2-Day Office Training

  1. Nathan Bryant (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

  2. Ryker (verified owner)

    The instructor was very engaging and knowledgeable.

  3. Jennifer Hernandez (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world examples included in the course.

  4. Jessica Ward (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

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