
Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities

(5 customer reviews)

Original price was: $167.00.Current price is: $25.00.

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Options for Gold Oil and Other Commodities

Sale page: http://www.optionpit.com/oil

Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities


Saturday, July 30, 2016 – 8:30am


SKU: Weekly Options

The Best Course for Metals and Energy You Can Take

“Learn how to put the odds of trading on your side, learn to profit from options even when stocks are moveing OR when stocks are at a stand still!”

Sign Up for Options for Gold, Oil, and other Commodities course every option trader should take…

Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities: July 30th 9:30 AM ET.

This Special Course will give traders actionable tools to trade Gold, Oil, and other commodities

Many traders are astounded to learn that there are ways to trade options on these contracts to produce consistent income WITHOUT risking catastrohpic loss on market moves.

In this 3+ hour primer Mark Sebastian Founder of Option Pit and Andrew Giovinazzi C.O.O. of Option Pit teach traders to:

Master the ins and outs of each asset

Execute the right trade in these names given the situation

Create trades using weekly and monthly options

Manage and Adjust trades in these names

Adjust and Manage Iron Butterflies

Manage risk associated with these contracts like a professional trader


Mark Sebastian: Founder