
Ray Higdon – Cold Market Recruiting Blueprint

(5 customer reviews)

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Ray Higdon – Cold Market Recruiting Blueprint

Price : $97
Sale Page : get.rayhigdon.com/cold-market-recruiting-blueprint/
Archive Sale Page: archive.is/qnyBh

You’ll Never Worry About Generating Leads Again When You Discover This Simple Cold Market System That Will Skyrocket Your Sign-Ups!

Dear Friend & Frustrated Networker,

Are you struggling to find people to talk to about your business?

Have you approached everyone in your warm market one too many times?

Maybe finding people to talk to isn’t a problem, but you simply don’t have enough of them to run some serious numbers.

You know, I knew a guy once who was struggling to find people to talk to about his business. He’d recently read a popular (and really good) book about getting 20 people to say “No” to him daily.

So, he’d get up in the morning, put 20 small stones in his left pocket, get into his car and spend the rest of the day going out to coffee shops, to the mall, to the airport…you name it! He went around all day collecting those “No’s” and for every “No” he got, he’d move one stone from the left pocket to the right.

He was getting a lot of “No’s”, but the humiliating part was he was hardly getting ANY “Yes’s” either!

I’m sure you can fast forward and see how this story ends. The guy ended up quitting after about a month of this humiliation and decided he’d never do network marketing again.

The sad part about this story is that it never had to happen in the first place!

You see, I firmly believe that your biggest profit producing activity in network marketing is recruiting.

That’s right, you heard me correctly. It’s not lead generation. It’s not “personal branding”. And it’s not having a ton of “Likes” on social media.


You can be an absolute star at lead generation, but if you don’t know how to close a prospect then you’re going to do 10 times the work of someone who does.

In order to be a star at recruiting, you’ve got to know how to close your prospect & get them to watch a presentation, get them to pick up the phone when you follow up, get them to sign up in your business, and get them to start working the business.

The person who knows how to take a prospect through this funnel and close them at each decision point needs far less leads than someone who doesn’t.

When you are a master recruiter, working “through the numbers” becomes fun because you hear a lot more people say “Yes” than “No”.


I’d like to share with you not one, but four solid blueprints for recruiting in all areas of the cold market. I’ve learned throughout my years recruiting people into my primary business that several different approaches are effective, but some approaches don’t work for specific types of cold market prospects.

In this series of videos (over 3 solid hours of training!) I’m going to share with you…

  • What to say to each type of cold market prospect
  • How your tone effects whether they’ll say yes or no
  • My follow-up systems for both short term and long term follow-up
  • 3 things you should always do to prevent you from saying too much
  • And so much more!

You’re going to become a “super recruiter” when you master these 4 areas of the cold market:


In this module, you’ll learn my complete system for recruiting people by attending networking meetings.  I give you complete scripts for speaking with live prospects, how to follow up, and the #1 thing you want to prevent when working with a cold prospect you’ve met at a networking meeting.


You’re going to learn my simple “BIC” technique and how to use it properly so you can rely on your tools to do the explaining. I’ll also share with you several of the best ways to approach a busy realtor without their red flags popping up all over the place. Plus, you’ll learn a simple technique for using stories to quickly overcome objections right from the start.


One of the best places to meet new prospects is when you’re out at a restaurant. These people get approached a lot, so it’s important that you understand exactly how to prospect them without coming off as fake or pushy. I’ll show you some scenarios for prospecting both the wait staff and also the owner of a restaurant.


I bring out the big gun in this module! My wife, and social media rock star, Jessica Higdon is leading this module. She’s going to show you some simple ways to seek out cold prospects on several social media networks as well as some good rapport building questions you should ask right from the start. Plus, she shares her simple “4 Part Rapport Formula” that will help you from beginning to the end so you can quickly close new prospects you’ve met online.

5 reviews for Ray Higdon – Cold Market Recruiting Blueprint

  1. Nicole Ward (verified owner)

    The step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow along.

  2. Jeremy Chapman (verified owner)

    This course is a great resource for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  3. Ryan (verified owner)

    This course exceeded my expectations! The content was thorough and well-organized. Highly recommend!

  4. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  5. Michael Smith (verified owner)

    The course exceeded my expectations. Very comprehensive.

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