Steve Sjuggerud – Extreme Value 2016 Newsletter (Stansberry Research)
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Steve Sjuggerud – Extreme Value 2016 Newsletter (Stansberry Research)
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Valuable Land….
At Almost a 50% Discount
Fourteen years ago, I showed folks how to invest in a Hawaiian beachfront property for $150 an acre… an investment that returned 201%…Now, I’ve found an even better opportunity — an extraordinary deal on probably the most valuable land in the world, in Manhattan… a deal that, just like last time, could potentially make you a small fortune… “
Dear Reader,
I was expecting a dinosaur to pop up any minute.
Fourteen years ago, I was driving through the lush greenery on the Hawaiian island of Kauai… the island where Steven Spielberg filmed Jurassic Park.
You can easily recognize some of the breathtaking vistas featured in the movie.
I drove all around Kauai’s single highway, stopping here and there.
(When a sign says “scenic viewpoint” on Kauai, you stop.)
One time, I pulled over and found myself looking straight into a canyon… with a vertical drop of several hundred feet. It had a waterfall at one end, and was filled with green plants.
No wonder Hollywood comes here dozens of times a year to film movie after movie…
Opposite the canyon rim where I stood, I saw a tiny yellow vehicle. I squinted and saw that it was leveling the ground for a new housing development. What a gorgeous view they’re going to have. This canyon is just across the road from the Pacific Ocean…
I’d never been to Kauai. I’d heard land in Hawaii was super expensive…
But after my visit, I understood first-hand how a single acre of ground could sell for more than half a million dollars.
After all, who doesn’t want to live in paradise?
You see, I was in Hawaii in 2002 to investigate an unusual investment opportunity I’d uncovered…
A “back-door” way you could have invested in some of the most beautiful and expensive land in Hawaii… land that was selling for millions of dollars… for about $150 per acre. (By my conservative calculations, the land was worth at least $5,000 per acre.)
It turned out to be an absolutely incredible find…
A find that led me to discover similar real estate deals, in some of the most beautiful places in America.
Like 13,800 acres of prime Daytona Beach, Florida real estate by a scenic river, for $125 per acre…
And a piece of completely pristine, undeveloped land the size of Los Angeles, located in southern California, just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean, for $2,000 an acre.
It was a highly unusual market anomaly…
Back when real estate just started taking off in the U.S… and it turned out to be a hugely profitable situation.
In fact, the “backdoor” investment I discovered in Hawaii returned 201%. And the few other similar investments I found like it returned 56%… 54%… 36%… and 31%, some in about a year.
I didn’t think I would ever come across another opportunity like that again…
But now, fourteen years later, I have found an equally rare, extraordinary “undervalued land” opportunity…
Where you can purchase a stake in some of the most valuable real estate in the world… at a fraction of what that land is really worth today.
Back when I first discovered this idea, I called land “the perfect investment.”
Unlike other investments, it’s ridiculously simple to understand.
Buildings come and go… and go up and down in value… but land is forever.
As Robert Stammers, former portfolio manager for a $1 billion real estate fund and a private timber fund, said:
“The reason that land is an appreciating asset is a simple one. It is in limited supply, and no one is producing any more. The demand for land is constantly growing as the population increases, and since its supply is limited, its price must increase over time. Unless something happens to limit demand for a given area or make it unusable, the grounds should be expected to increase in value over time.”
That’s especially true when you’re talking about some of the most valuable land in the world — huge tracts just a few miles from the coasts of Southern California, Hawaii, and Florida…
Available for around the price it was originally purchased (at prices from over 100 years ago, in some cases).
And that’s the crux of what I discovered…
You could only buy a stake in the land I described above, at those prices, if you knew how to exploit one simple little secret, about how land values are stated by accountants on corporate balance sheets…
And you also have to be willing to do the kind of digging and investigative work that few people are willing to do.
In short, there are two things I absolutely LOVE about these unique “undervalued land” situations:
#1) It allows you to buy a stake in great properties at huge discounts. I described earlier three of the situations I looked into… in Hawaii, Southern California, and Florida…
These discounts were possible because most investors (including both professionals and amateurs) base stock market prices on criteria like cash flows and earnings.
But very often, when a company owns tons of valuable real estate, in the form of land, buildings, and stores, it gets completely overlooked. This enables savvy investors to swoop in and buy an ownership stake in this real estate at a tremendous discount.
#2) It gives you a HUGE margin of safety — one you simply can’t get with any other type of investment.
No matter what happens to any business, the land will always be there.
An acre of land is 43,560 square feet, no matter where you go. There’s no way to fudge it. There are no earnings to hide or expenses to fake. And you can put a real value on this land using the two measures that have been used for decades: a) tax records and b) sales of similar properties.
Whatever may happen to the economy or a particular business, the land and buildings are very likely to remain… and to get more valuable over time.
When a company has lots of valuable real estate, they can always sell it, and make a fortune for shareholders.
Of course, buying real estate in the stock market also allows you to get in and out of opportunities very quickly… and helps you avoid all of the hassles that typically come from actual real estate investments.
Let the company worry about zoning permits, tenants, taxes and all the rest of the day-to-day work of being a landowner… while you enjoy the hassle-free life of a stock owner.
Since these stocks are backed by the ultimate margin of safety (dirt cheap land), you can buy them and forget about them.
That’s exactly why I call this “the perfect investment.”
Like many unusual ideas like this one, however, they have their time… then the opportunity is gone.
Since I first discovered my first “undervalued land” opportunity, the housing market soared… then crashed… and today, is slowly recovering…
And for over a decade, I didn’t think I would ever find another opportunity like that again.
But that all changed in April of this year… when I came across one of the most promising real estate opportunities in the stock market I’ve ever found.
I just released the details on a way you can own some of the most valuable real estate in the world today…
Prime investments in one of the most exclusive areas of one of the wealthiest cities in the world — Manhattan — at a 44% discount based on the value of its biggest four assets… which, by my conservative calculations, are worth more than twice its stock market value…
Founded in 1879, this is a way you can own a share of a truly one-of-a-kind, unique asset usually only available to billionaires…
And an empire that spans from coast to coast, including some of the most iconic theaters and venues in America.
Why is now the time to get into this situation?
Well, for starters, it’s not often you get a stake in super-valuable, industry-leading, one-of-a-kind land assets like these trading at nearly 50% off…
The second reason you want to get in now is simple:
A huge proposed renovation around one of its most valuable properties just hit an important deadline.
It’s a planning deadline… so nothing will happen with the land for years. But this company is making a lot of money today regardless — and we believe the land and the stock are excellent long-term holdings.
When the news breaks that this renovation will go forward — which could be any day now — this new “undervalued land” company could surge on the news.
That’s why I’m urging my readers right now to take advantage and build positions in this company immediately…
So if you’re not currently a subscriber to Extreme Value, today is an excellent opportunity to try the service.
Not only will you get the chance to profit from one of my favorite investment ideas right now, you’ll also get to take advantage of my 30-day risk-free trial.
Simply enter your information below and enjoy Extreme Value risk-free for the next 30 days.
If you not satisfied for any reason, just let us know. I’ll give you a full refund at any time during the first 30 days.
In short, this is an opportunity that does not come around often. Don’t miss it.
Good investing,
Dan Ferris
Editor, Extreme Value
Claim a 30-day trial to
Extreme Value…
And receive Dan’s newest “undervalued land” recommendation 100% risk-free
In Extreme Value, Dan Ferris shows his readers how to find great businesses selling at huge discounts… like his brand-new “undervalued land” opportunity…
And his strategy of buying safe, cheap stocks — only when the price is right — has earned him one of the most impressive track records in the industry.
Right now, for example, his current open portfolio shows gains of 652%… 239%… 183%… and 106%, among others…
His average closed recommended position since 2002 has gained 31% — through both bull and bear markets…
And it’s how, over the years, he’s shown his readers safe gains like these:
- 304% in Dividend Capital Trust
- 194% in Realty Income Corp.
- 79% and 54% in Brookfield Asset Management
- 98% in Wal-Mart
- 65% in ExxonMobil
- 77% in Proctor & Gamble
- 88% in Microsoft
- 132% in Intel
- 173% in Altria Group
- 113% in Phillip Morris
- 133% in Latin American Export Bank
- 77% in the Sequoia Fund
- 125% in Berkshire Hathaway
- 406% in Prestige Brands
- 54% in Sprott Resources
- 201% in Alexander & Baldwin
- 142% in Icahn Enterprises
- 248% in International Royalty Corp.
- 124% in Gateway
- 99% in POSCO
- 104% in Portfolio Recovery Associates
- 249% in KHD Humboldt Wedag
- 59% in TJX Companies
- 82% shorting Lehman Brothers
- 97% in Circuit City
- 95% in Jakks Pacific
- 56% in Alico
- 111% in Blair Corp.
- And many more…
It’s no wonder Extreme Value has earned an army of fiercely loyal followers, including well-known money managers, investment firms, and CEOs.
Over the past 14 years, in fact, we’ve received countless e-mails from Wall Street folks praising Dan’s work.
For example, former mutual fund manager T.B. told us:
“I’ve worked on both sides of the street until I left that line of work over 15 years ago. In all those years, I’ve never read research that was more well-thought out, developed, and written than yours… I’ve learned more from you in the last 4 years than from others in the prior nearly 40 years.”
Financial advisor and author Joe R. wrote to say:
“From June 2012 to June 2013, I made well over $100,000 following your advice. I trade a ministerial account and the money is used to support missions and church building. I’ve been able to fund a missionary in Thailand, build a church in Uruguay, pave a parking lot for a church in Texas – all of this in about 1 year.”
James E., also a financial advisor, said:
“I have been a Financial Advisor for the past 14 years and have lived through 2 bull markets and 2 bear markets… The research that you do… is the best I have ever seen. Keep up the good work, I read you every day and appreciate the time and effort it takes to create your research.”
And professional money manager Jim P. had this to say about Dan’s work in Extreme Value:
“My clients are on the way to the bank with Extreme Value recommendations. On one stock… we have made more than $1.6 million in a few short months, with more surely to come. Editor Dan Ferris not only picks stocks well, but he has an excellent sense of timing his purchases… Where else can you get a professional analyst for $1,000 a year, with no benefit liability? And where else can you be confident that taking a position has a more than 80% probability of a gain?”
Even Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry — who gave Extreme Value an “A” grade in the last Stansberry Report Card — says it’s “a must read:”
“Extreme Value is, hands down, the highest-quality, independently published monthly journal about high-quality, long-term investments. If that’s what you’re looking for (and it should be), it’s a must-read.”
Best of all, Dan’s strategy is simplicity itself:
Buy a few great businesses and wait… and do nothing except get richer.
Dan will spend up to 6 months or more researching a single stock before making a recommendation… running all the numbers, and sometimes traveling thousands of miles and going on site to investigate a situation (like he did with his previous “undervalued land” recommendations)… looking for how to buy world-class assets trading at ridiculously cheap prices.
After that, Dan will issue a buy recommendation. His goal is to hold for the long term. He won’t recommend a stock just so you can have a new “hot pick” every month, if it hasn’t passed his incredibly stringent investment criteria.
That said…
If you’re the kind of person who’s looking for a double every two weeks, Extreme Value is not for you.
You’ll be wasting your money, and our time.
Folks who will benefit the most from Extreme Value are patient investors, with a long-term time horizon, say from three to five years.
If this is you, it goes without saying that not every stock will be a winner… but you’ll likely be very happy with the end results.
“I use Extreme Value for my core holdings,” says subscriber Tom B., “And have made $500,000.”
Subscriber Frank R. told us:
“Extreme Value has accounted for gains of over $50,000 in the last year. When I retired four years ago with a “decent sized” portfolio, I still worried about the future and outliving our income. After four years (with a very comfortable lifestyle) our net worth has increased and I no longer obsess about whether we’ll make it.”
And one Stansberry reader, Jim W., even told us he made an incredible $1.01 million in just 4 years, thanks in part to following Dan’s work.
It’s important to note that the money you make following Dan‘s work depends in large part on how much you invest. So your experience might vary from what you’ve seen here….
That said, these are the kind of results you could expect with Extreme Value.
If you want the opportunity to reduce risk in your equity portfolio and make big long term gains, here’s what I recommend you do:
Simply try Dan’s research and recommendations for the next 30 days, 100% risk-free.
If it doesn’t meet your expectations, or you find this kind of investing is not for you, just let us know. We’ll give you a full refund at any time during the first 30 days of your trial.
In other words, you risk nothing by giving Extreme Value a try today.
Extreme Value costs $1,500 for a full year.
Considering everything you receive — and the potential gains you could make — we think it’s a terrific bargain.
Your trial subscription includes:
Tuesday E-mail Updates. Every Tuesday, Dan will e-mail you his Weekly Updates, discussing any news about model portfolio stocks, as well as recommending when to lock in gains… when to add to your position… and when to sell.

12 full months of Extreme Value. On the second Friday of each month, Dan will e-mail you a new issue… analyzing the markets and detailing which investments you should buy. Each investment will have the potential to double or triple your money over the long term. You’ll also receive a hard copy in the mail.
*** Don’t forget: Dan’s latest research on his new “undervalued land” opportunity — called One-of-a-Kind Assets at a Discount — is immediately available as soon as you sign up for your subscription trial. It details how to claim a stake in one of the most unique and valuable land assets in the world, only usually available to billionaires, available at a 44% discount today…

The Extreme Value Handbook. This exclusive manual outlines Dan’s full strategy… and how he’s created one of the most successful track records in Stansberry’s history by looking for investments with “extreme” fundamental value.

Dan’s library of educational resources. You’ll have immediate access to Dan’s training videos… Educational interviews… Presentations… FAQs… His favorite issues… Dozens of special reports… And recommended reading lists.
Literally everything you need to become a world-class investor in your own right.

World Dominating Dividend Growers. In this book, you’ll learn why these kinds of companies are incredible income investments… How to identify a World Dominating Dividend Grower… Exactly how to buy them… and how they can produce safe, double-digit annual income streams for their shareholders.
And that’s just the beginning.
With the kind of track record Dan has, you can probably see why we charge $1,500 for Extreme Value.
But today, you can try it RISK-FREE for the next 30 days…
And if you’re not 100% satisfied in the first thirty (30) days of your subscription, you can get back every penny you paid just by calling us toll-free. No “handling fee” whatsoever.
In short, we think you’ll love Extreme Value when you to see it for yourself.
There has never been a better time, with Dan’s new “undervalued land” recommendation…
And this offer is 100% RISK-FREE.
To take advantage of this 30-day risk-free Extreme Value trial, simply fill out the order form below.
Just keep in mind: The news that will affect this “undervalued land” company could hit the wires any day now, and the stock could surge — so this may be your only chance to get in.
Get started right now — fill out the order form below.
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The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!
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The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.
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